
Friday, October 26, 2007

MRT, Randomosity, Rants

one thing that suddenly popped into my mind. im sure uve encountered ppl who 'chiong' the moment the door of the MRT opens.

yea..u know what im talking about. if ure one of em, i have nothing to say.

first, lets talk about people chionging in.

i love it when they do that and when they're shorter than me. cus u know..the sides of my laptop protrude out from my bag. so its kinda hard and sharp and i like it when people chiong in and they feel pain because of my laptop in my bag haha.

press ur hands against the corner/side of a table and ull know what i mean. im not even talking about people who 'knock' onto me and accidentally knocked onto my bag lol. nothing's more satisfying than seeing that look of pain in their eyes and when they turn around and stare at me, they have nothing to say. lol..cus i wasnt even moving hahaha! :P take that!

now, lets talk about people chionging out.

i dont see whats there to chiong out from? someone farted inside e train? someone got BO or something? ~.O okay, im getting a little crappy but i dont mind making fun of such people haha!

cmon, its not like theres a bomb inside e train right? okay, so there ISNT a bomb. therefore i can deduce, that without a bomb, people chiong OUT of the train, even to the point of chionging down the escalator. why not just jump down? O_O its faster that way, and its only 2 storeys down. no difference right? im sure ur 'hype' will overwhelm ur pain so that u wont feel anything when u actually LAND. ^.O

and so..having said that..without a bomb, people run OUT of the train. so what happens if theres really a bomb? people cant wait to camp inside e train? lol. actually..that MIGHT just happen. singaporeans being singaporeans, bad singaporeans to be exact, "until they come to city harvest", like ps always says..haha, i think they will most likely cant be bothered when the train operator announces theres a bomb.

they'll probably take their own sweet time, to walk to the emergency exit. the uncles will be like, "OEI! WA LAO EH, JIN JUAY LANG AH! AI SHIO-PA AH!?!" and the aunties are probably go.."WA OEI! WA EH KAR AH! (someone steps on their shoes), OEI! WA EH NEHNEH AH!" okay..what was that? i dont even know where it came from. lol.

when supposed to chiong, u stone. when supposed to be relaxed, u panic as if Jesus has come back O_O helloooo???

oh yes..i shall go off-topic for awhile. lets talk about people who 'blast' their mp3s on the train.

yea, u sit there, holding an mp3 or some other audio device, and u start blasting..and mind you, you dont even have a sub attached, so what ure blasting is nothing but 'tweety' sounds thats so 'high' and distorted it sounds worse than a guitar distortion! not that distorted guits sound bad..but yea..u get e point.

sometimes i feel like going to them..say hi, stare SUPER close at their face, as if kissing..then suddenly go.."AHHHH-CHOOOOOO!"

then theyll be like "OEI! WLETMDKNNBCCB!" hahaha. u wanna blast at least blast some nice music with a HIGH-END mp3 player with QUALITY outdoor audio devices! nothing to show, then dont show lol.

the next time some uncle, aunty, ahbeng or ahlian, tries to be unglam, be careful i video u down and post it in the midst of all my retard videos. ull be famous in no time! they always have men's talk. does it mean e men rise up and e women stay where they are? no right? hello? some people just need to be more 'glam' u know?

in what they say and in how they conduct themselves. and holy crap, this naked woman keep on popping onto my screen! OEI! im fasting you know! lol. damn. i go clear my lappy tonight lol must be some stupid adware. i got 1 more day left..i dont want my previous 4 days to be for nothing if this naked woman keep on popping on my comp x_x

oh yea, in case u think im a malenist (meh-ler-nist), opposite of feminist, from my previous post. then i think ure thinking too much. cmon, u really think im anti-female meh? im only anti-stinking attitude! and besides, didnt some ppl say im half female too? O_O ok, just ignored what i just said lol.

i realistic. during altar call, u gave God your heart. im sure u kept your brain right? i hope..

i guess this is what happens when ure dead tired and doing a 5/12 at the same time, and at the same time, while blogging ur hands are shivering =/


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