
Monday, January 18, 2010

Wondering In The Wilderness

"If the horse is dead, DISMOUNT!" - A.R. Bernard/Robb Thompson (Cant rem haha)

Many times people wonder why their destiny is never fulfilled, sometimes, its not because God is hindering them, in fact, the door is very often open wide in front of them.

It becomes silly when you see a dead horse, and someone is sitting on top of it going, "Go horsey! Giddy up! Giddy up! Move horsey!"

There's nothing theological or complicated about that...its just plain common sense. Even a child knows that if a toy is spoilt, he throws it away if it cant be fixed.

If you've spilled some food, you clear it and clean it up. You dont bend down to lick the floor or the table right?

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.

God's purpose will never be fulfilled with insane people, but with committed people. People who know when to make the right decisions instead of dwelling and wondering in the wilderness. In proverbs it says, above knowledge, seek wisdom and above wisdom, seek understanding.

Remember the story of the Isrealites? They wondered in the wilderness for 40 years, when the promised land is just a short distance away and they failed to realize it. They focused on themselves rather than on God.

My bible says that in every trial or temptation, God has provided a way of escape (it didnt say a definite solution). Its not that life is hard, neither is it because of the fact that circumstances cant be changed. Yes, at times things cant be changed, yet it doesnt mean there is no way of escape.

Not every obstacle can be solved, and God knows that because we are imperfect, yet His grace is always sufficient. We just do our best and let God do the rest. That is surrender, that is trust.

Yes, we believe that all things are possible, yet not all things are permissible.

Just because God can raise the dead, it doesnt mean every corpse will come back to life if we try hard enough or have enough faith. Faith is no excuse for a lack of common sense.

God is a practical God. In everything, there is always a purpose, a reason.

Some people grow in church pretty fast, I knew one member last time, who finished VL and got into a ministry in just one year. How did he do that? He just 'chionged' for it. He had the desire, driven by his passion.

You can have a desire yet no passion. Its like incense without fire, nothing more than mere dust. They say, the proof of your desire is in your pursuit. If you wanna keep on waiting, then life will also keep on waiting for you.

We say we wanna be like God, we say we wanna change and grow, yet many times we are not willing to do what is necessary.

You cant achieve God's plans for your life if you dont follow His way. Afterall, for a start, it is HIS plans, not your plans. If its your plan, go ahead and do it your way, it may work, but it will never be enough. But since its His plan, then dont be dumb, your method will never work.

Its like the law of gravity.

Just because gravity takes you from point A to point B, it doesnt mean if you wanna go from one block to another, you can leap out of the corridor! You have to follow its law, the way it works! If you leap, you will fall.

If one year has passed and nothing has changed, then ask yourself, what is it that havent changed? If that area hasnt been changed, then thats why your life has never changed. Right?

If you're a bit confused, here's a simpler way to put it...

If your life hasnt changed, its because your life hasnt changed.

Haha, nothing deep about it. Nothing 'chim' about it. Just keep repeating, "my life hasnt changed, my life hasnt changed, my life hasnt changed..." No, its not a trick question haha. That statement is both a statement and the answer, all in one. :D

If you wanna achieve more, DO more. Else, just sit back and relax and your life will go also sit back and relax. ;)

Life will never change with time, life changes only when your thinking changes.


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