
Friday, January 08, 2010

Following, Leaning, Pressing, Absorbing, Changing.

We become who we follow.

How is it possible? I came to realize when I was chatting about fasting. Fasting is an act of dependency on God, and the renouncing of your flesh, and showing it who's boss.

I began to come when people fast, they carry so much anointing? Then I figured it has to do with the leaning on God factor. Of course, consecration is another thing.

You cant eat wanton with soup unless you unpack the wanton right? Who would put the whole packet, including the wrapper into the soup? o.o Thats how I see consecration, or in another word, sanctification. How 'pure' are we for God to fill?

We may have a big capacity, but if half of it is full with the wrong things, then God can only fill us to HALF. :O

So...yes...the leaning...

I found out that leaning on someone is also a form of pressing. Why do I say so? Just lean on someone. Now lean harder. Dont tell me, you find yourself floating further away from the person. ^.O

More than just an act, it is a GESTURE, I would say, a gesture of pressing in.

Thats why Adam, my cgl always shares with us, that he always hangs out with pastor and other spiritual giants, because in the fellowship of the wise, you will be wise. We've all heard that before.

In the context of fasting, when we lean on God, we press into God, we then absorb His wisdom, His anointing, His revelation, etc...and once it has become a part of us, we are now changed into someone better. We then have, what we call, a spiritual BREAKTHROUGH.

So who are the ones closest to you?
The ones you LEAN on?

You may not know it, but spiritually, you are pressing into that person. Thats how we become who we follow, we absorb his/her character traits, even flaws if we're not careful.

Hanging out with an angry person, will make you angry. Not immediately, but over a prolonged period of time, because when you lean, you press in, and then you absorb.

Some people manifest during deliverance, but they've not done anything wrong. :O Then why? Could be..its because of the people you associate with. You need discernment to tell which 'friend' of yours has a life that's well...not right.

Leaning, pressing in and relying too much on that person will have 'side effects' in your personality and ultimately, your lifestyle.

A quiet person can end up violent, all because of wrong...COMPANY.

WE always hear the term, wrong company, but we never truly realized how powerful those relationships are.

Ps Robb, one of my favourite speakers made this powerful statement:

"It is foolish to think that we are in control of our lives, when in fact, our destiny is shaped by the ones to whom we grant access".

Everything physical is also the same in the spiritual.

When we build close ties with someone, we invoke something in the spirit realm, that causes that 'absorption' and ultimately, the person we eventually become.

Thats also why, you dont have to be a fool.
Just hang around one and you'll be one.

Similarly, you may be a 'low-grader', but if you hang around those who succeed in life, you will end up becoming that person whom you follow, successful and making an impact for your generation! ;)

If you have bad lifestyles or habits, then why not start looking at the people closest to you. Of course, being close is one thing, you can be close to someone and yet not lean/press into him/her. So yea, use the 'common sense' approach haha.

1. Who you lean on, you press into.
2. Who you press into, you absorb.
3. What you absorb, changes you.
4. That which changes you, changes your life.

Good night all! :D


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