
Saturday, April 04, 2009

LCD fixed. Revelations.

My LCD..apparently, the digital cable/port has problems. So I decided to do something stupid. Since my LCD has 3 video ports, one digital, one standard video port, and one HDMI port, I left the digital cable plugged in, and used the normal cable. So now, it has 2 cables instead of 1. Wow. It worked LOL. Yeah, 2 is better than 1 hahaha. What a joke.

God talks to me most when Im alone, when there's nothing and no one in my mind, He has all the space He has. And since, Im always alone most of the time, so...its safe to say He speaks to me almost all the time! HAHAHA. No, it wasnt meant to be a lame joke, it makes sense right?

A few things popped into my mind and Ill just, I mean...keyboard it down. ;)

I was really inspired by Adam's testimony, the power of words framing your world, the law of sowing and reaping, the principle of tithing. I mean, to receive a phonecall the moment you give an offering, INSTANTANEOUSLY, and to receive another phonecall the moment you declare: Even though I dont get the job, you're still a miracle working God - INSTANTANEOUSLY just WOW.

I mean, just how many times have you sown and you've gotten instant results? Not even me man. It was a awesome testimony.

Sometimes you can be so busy doing things FOR God,
You fail to realize that you're no longer WITH Him.

He has moved in another direction, as a result, you feel heavy, burdened and stressed.

There are times God speaks through a still small voice.
For me, LOTS of times.
But there are also times God speaks through people, even the most 'impossible' ones.

Sometimes we forget that EVERY individual is sent by God.
And each person carries a story. Carries something you can catch.
Thats when teachability comes in. You can learn from anyone, even the despised.

You say, how is it possible?
You cant believe it. That's why itll never happen to you.

At the end of the day, God is going to evaluate every single reaction you had...
With people He has placed in your life. Did you serve them? Did you care for them?
Did you honor them? Simple things like helping to carry stuff, lending money, listening,
Communicating, etc.

And on 'that day', everyone will see, on HQ/HD, WIDESCREEN, your whole life.
Things you have done, things you have failed to do.

You know the quote that says, "As you have done it to the least of these, you did it to Me"?

Here's another way to see it:

"As you have not done it to the most of these, your leaders,
You very much didnt bother at all."

The little things we do, to people who are not as fortunate as us, we did it to Him.
That's the least we could do.

When we honor people in authority, the prize is greater. True?
Thus, when we despise authority, leadership and men/women of God,
Thus, the 'penalty' is greater.

People like your cgcs, your cgls, ministry leaders, your PARENTS, etc.

Its very easy to stand for God, whom we cannot see.
But most find it hard to stand by the man God has chosen, whom we can see.

How can God move if you dont give Him room to move?

As Singaporeans, we can be so busy.

Its like you opening your house door for Jesus, you say
"Hi! Welcome Lord! Let me prepare you a meal!"

And you spent 2 hours in the kitchen,
While Jesus spends 2 hours sitting there in the living room, eventually, before you could finish cooking, He leaves, sad.

You come out of the kitchen, you dont see Jesus around, you get upset. "Where did He go? Didnt He know I spent so much time to prepare this meal for Him?"

You begin to ask Him, "Lord, why did You leave? I did so much for You...DONT YOU KNOW HOW MUCH IVE SACRIFICED?"

And He replies,

"Dear, all I wanted was to come in, to sit beside you, to talk to you and ask you out for a meal. But before I even had the chance to say anything, you went and did your own thing. You didnt ask Me what I wanted, nor how I felt, you left me there to wait for you. I waited for hours. More than your cooking, all I wanted...was you...and you alone...all...of love."

Dont leave God at your door, dont leave God sitting alone in your heart, seeing you grow your connect group, seeing you plan your outreaches, seeing you win the lost, start a new business and when all is said and done, He's not even close to you.

God didnt send people for you to use, neither are they there for you to serve. Yes, all these things come naturally. But at the end of the day, God wants you to enjoy people. To enjoy fellowship, to treasure relationship.

Christianity is not a religion, its a relationship, an experiential relationship.
Its something you have to experience it for yourself.

Whats the point in believing in something or someone when you dont even feel anything.
Whats the point of going after a vision that has no substance?

Step out of your comfort zone. Start to engage!


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