
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Booking in tomorrow

Booking in tomorrow.

Everyday, I fight a battle not knowing when itll end.
Everyday, I realised that in the furnace, there's no one else with me.
And God is watching outside the furnace, looking at my every thought and deed.

I see myself being carried out for a moment,
And placed in once again, cracking everytime it happens.

My heart is just pieces of fragments all stuck together.
With the super glue of encouragements and love.
With scars that will remain.
Even Jesus had scars from the cross, although he was resurrected in a new body.

It really says a lot.

Everyday, is happiness that never last.
Everyday, I wonder, think and reflect.

I saw myself in Jesus...
Neglected, lonely, in pain, disappointed, hurt, wounded.

His disciples left him,
He felt God had forsaken Him.
He wished everything could just end,
Yet He said, "Not my will, but Yours be done."

At the end of Himself,
He never stopped loving,
He never stopped serving,
"Forgive them, for they do not know what they do."

Talk about going through hell,
He alone, went through hell, literally.
Yet He went there not to be defeated, but to conquer all.

Its okay to be alone.
Its okay to be at the end of myself.
Its okay if during my journey through hell, no one talked to me,
No one came to me, just like Jesus, everyone thought He was dead.

They could do nothing but watch and pray,
And see the deliverance and the power of God.

In everytime I mourn, in everytime I let out frustration,
In everytime I felt pain, was there even one time I said no to God?
5 months of pain, and Im still here.

By His grace, Ive won every battle thrown at me.
People thought I was dead, they thought what happened to me?
Yet they failed to see, the hand of God in me.

The victories God gave me,
Silent as they may be.
Victories only I celebrated alone.
Another level, yet another devil comes along.

Its time to ask yourself,
Are you worth the devil's effort to throw in everything he's got?

5 months, and the devil hasnt stopped.
He gets more desperate every single day.

Are you laughing every single day?
Do you socialise every single day?
Is your life, "okay", "can cope"?

Arise and Build is coming.
The evil one is more pissed than ever.
Because he knows Im gonna outgive my previous pledge,
In the midst of recession, in the midst of all thats been happening to me.

Its good to know your rank in God's kingdom.
Now how about your position in Hell's Top Wanted list?


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