
Thursday, April 24, 2008

Leadership Files - Humility

Humility knows we need God. Say, 'I need You God. '

Humility knows we need others. Say, 'I need other people.'

Humility recognises now great we are not. Say, 'Lord, You've done it all. '

Humility admits our own shortcomings and congratulates others on their successes.

Humility serves others we consider our equal or less.

Humility waits patiently. Say, 'I am patient.'

Humility restrains anger. Say, 'I forgive everyone who has ever offended me. '

Humility is not announcing our own achievements.

Humility prefers others.

Humility is not something that is given to us.

Humility is something we do to ourselves.


Im supposed to be an admin guy, who ends up doing finance and accounting. And just a few days ago, I filled in the bankbook particulars form, on the "role" portion, I saw:

"Finance assistant".

Unauthorised promotion? lol. Basically my manager's assistant is on maternity leave and I so happened to be taking over for the time being without even knowing. :O


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