
Monday, December 31, 2007

Stoned, Thoughts

For the first time in a long time, Ive got nothing to blog about. Except for a few randoms that came to mind.

It takes courage to hear the truth.
It takes faith to believe the truth.
It takes decisiveness to live the truth.
It takes character (maturity) to stay in truth.

Im really thankful for leaders in my life. Sometimes things go wrong and sometimes I just dont feel like doing the things I do. Are there times I dont feel like worshipping? Of course. Are there times I dont feel like praying? Man..all the time. Are there times I dont feel like serving? Inevitably yes. But despite it..loving God is not a feeling, it is not an emotion.

You dont need to feel like loving to love.
You dont need to feel like going to church to go to church.
You dont need to feel like giving to give.
Your life is not propelled by how you feel, but by the decisions you make.

Once again, I was discipled yesterday. Its tiring, its draining, it requires me to give my entire be able to serve God, to be able to come to a whole new level. Its never easy. But just like how my team leader told me, "Are you up to the challenge?"

Do you dare to go to places you've not been to?
Do you dare to do things you've not done before?
Do you dare to sacrifice even more in 2008?
Do you dare to do the impossible?
Do you dare to take bigger risks?
Do you dare to do the ridiculous and experience the miraculous?
Do you dare to be outrageous and accomplish great things for God?

Living a normal life doesnt need much faith. Because everything is predictable. But stepping into the unknown, taking initiative, taking risks, requires tremendous amount of faith and confidence. Its really encouraging to know that people rise up, not because they are skilled or equipped.

In a way, that's true, we do need a minimum requirement of some skills somewhat..but

You can have someone who's TALENTED, but ZERO anointing.
You can have someone who's HOT on the outside, but COLD on the inside.
You can have someone who loves you A LOT, but have ZERO love for the things of God!

Talented people bring excitement. But anointed people bring transformation!

The key to rising up, is not really to be better in what you do, yes we need to be better in what we do..but really, the key in rising up is to be BETTER. Period. Better in ourselves, better in our walk with God, better in anointing, better in passion, better in our attitude, better in our character, better in the heart to serve.

Its not about how GOOD you are, but its really about how DESPERATE you are.

Thanksgiving later tonight. I tell you the truth. I dont feel like going. I dont even have one second, one millisecond, one nanosecond to spare. I seriously need to finish my assignment. Im so far behind! How am I gonna be excited for the new year when its still the same RIDICULOUS semester!?!

Seriously, polytechnic curriculum is a ironic, oxymoronic, major contradiction! Christmas, but no christmas. New year, but no new year. Hmm so what holidays do polytechnics have? WONDERFUL, EXCITING, AMAZING STUDY BREAKS! oh yeah! Can you feel the power of EDUCATION? O_O

This is so stupid. One day I will be the minister of education...I make sure holidays MEAN holidays. The noob who planned the curriculum must be REALLY be a noob. He/she must have failed the english language!

Dont contradict yourself. This is dumb. Even most working people get at least half a day's off. But here we are..doing PROGRAMMING. My goodness! Of all things..programming! Can you believe it? Its like asking a man to have menstruation! Seriously retarded. Hahaha..okay I have no idea what Im talking about.

People are singing Old Lang Sai...OOPS...I mean...Auld Lang Syne. And what am I singing? Well..this!?!

Dim cn As New MOEHackConnection
Dim cmd As New MOEDBCommandOverwrite ("INSERT INTO Brain (Commonsense) VALUES ("' & txtCommonsense.Text & '")", cn)

I think I might even have a syntax error above. O_O Yeah, now you know I cant program for nuts. I can only program for fruits. OKAY..that did not make any sense. Yes, I dont make cents, I make dollars.

Omedetou gozaimasu! Watashi no namae wa...BAKA desu! LOL.


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