
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Random, Anonymous, Pow Wee

Im in school now. Jus had lunch in the canteen. Its feels so different when the canteen is empty..and i really love rainy days. It feels really cosy. The canteen is literally empty cus now its the term break..and here I school doing programming, or at least struggling to do programming..

I was on the train just now and I saw many people, travelling with their families, friends, going christmas shopping, even my bro has a xmas break from work. But i was sitting there, with a bag, not full of xmas presents, but with my laptop going to school..

To anonymous, whoever you are..i really appreciate you for commenting. Its very sad to see 0 comments in every post i make. Sometimes i really wonder if there are even people reading my blog, of course for those who interact, i know who often visits..

but judging from my hit count, there are also people who silently visit. and i have a feeling many of them i do not anyway, just wanna say i read your comments..i dont know how you find my blog, i dont know who you are and i dont know your motives or how you come across this blog at all..

but as i read ur comments God began to speak to me. honestly, its been tiring, dry at some times, and it gets all lonely here when everyone has their own problems and they're busy to even talk to you..

but its always good to reflect..really, what have you been doing? is there even something worth mentioning in your life? when people look at you, what do they see? do they even notice something about you?

its been awhile since anyone has challenged me like that..sometimes we get tired and weary, but all it takes is for God to send someone into your life to give you a little push. i was so blessed and encouraged.

i really like talking about the things of God..those whom im close to are all people who talk about God. you can talk to me abt movies, or even gaming, but nothing beats talking about the one who created you, the one who died for you..

Anonymous is like a big brother to me, someone ive come to look up to. he/she reminds me of pow wee. you might disagree, but pow is a straightforward person. and i like straightforward people. (straightforward in a loving way).

if not for pow, i wouldnt be able to sit in front of 10-14 people and play for cg. if not for pow, i wouldnt have had the guts and the confidence to be who i am. even though you might be in camp, but i just wanna say that you have made a difference in my life. he was the one who helped me grow, he was the one, who picked me up when i was down and changed me when i was wrong.

whoever marries you is a really blessed girl..haha. seriously. i mean, where do you find such a good brother who helps you to be better, stronger and more mature? amidst my cgls, evan, wayne and adam..

to me..pow is a leader. those of you who know him better treasure him lol.

when i was walking to school, i was thinking abt what anonymous said..really God is moving and i dont wanna be left behind. when i heard during Emerge Conference how 13-15 year olds can become celgrp leaders in Heart of God Church, it really makes me feel im really lagging..and OLD! hard feelings :D

what have you been doing all this while? backsliding is not a term used only for people that draw away from God. backsliding is simply anything but progressing.

I like what ps said, the devil doesnt need to make you draw away from God. he just needs to keep you from moving forward.

God is moving, things are changing rapidly..we are living in the last days, dont be left behind.

just a little sidetrack lol..

love is not an emotion. love is not a feeling. love is a choice.

you dont love someone because you FEEL like, you dont simply love someone because you're IN love then fall OUT of love, you love someone because you WANT to. love without commitment and sacrifice is mere hypocrisy.

people change partners like changing underwear. going from one relationship after another. always in a cycle of defeat and failure. but ask yourself, do you love the PERSON, or do you love LOVE? oh you just want the thrill, you just want the excitement, but you're so afraid to commit, so afraid to press on. oh, he/she dont like me anymore, change lor. thats childish.

there are times your parents are angry with you, did they say, "oh change son lor/change daughter lor..". no right? okay, there are RARE cases when there are parents who actually say that. but put it this way, ur mum is still with ur dad right? ur dad is still with ur mum right?

if people who are much older can do it, why cant you? if people who have been through a lot can stay strong in a relationship, why cant you?

if ure not ready for commitment, just tell the person, "i love you but im sorry i need some time to adjust, im not ready for commitment yet. is it okay if we take things slowly?"

(if the person really loves you, he/she will say, "sure..why not?")

i that such a difficult thing to say? or is your ego so big that you cant even communicate properly? im sure e other party will understand, not unless he/she is immature right from the start, then i really have nothing to say.

but really, if u wanna find a partner then at LEAST find someone you can open up and talk to. i like what John's msn nick put e other time:

Relationship is nothing without the fundamental basics of friendship.

You havent even become friends and you wanna be lovers. Gosh. what is the world coming to. seriously, im not talking about anyone. i just dont like the idea of people who do "Relational-Jumping" stunts. if it applies to you, it applies. if it doesnt. then feel free to ignore lol. i see things like that all the time.

oh another thing..

ive seen it in drama/TV shows but i have no idea if ive seen this form of childishness/immaturity in real life or not..

X tells Y that X loves Y.

And Y shouts back, gives attitude, throws temper like a little baby as if the RAPTURE HAS COME! come on, do you behave the same way when God says I love you? OR..mebbe you have not even experienced God saying that to you. ps kong said, ure just emotionally shutdown. lol. at least be flattered and grateful. and slowly mention your standing and what you intend to do, in a FRIENDLY way!

so more point..if you're not friendly, then you can really forget about loving/being loved. because you will just scare everyone away!

and yes, one more can LUURRRRVE God and you can hate people. What is the cross? Loving God wholeheartedly (Vertical beam), Loving people fervently (horizontal beam).

People believe in the cross and you believe in a TOOTHPICK? (Just the vertical beam). Okay, just some random crap now..if you only love God but dont love only have the vertical beam, correct?

So what do you have now? Okay, mebbe not a toothpick. But a LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR! BI LEI ZHEN! lol. Lightning will strike you LOL. But isnt it true, people who love God but dont love people, easy get 'offended', they are unhappy all the time, angry with people all the time. They always see the bad in people, and not the good in them. like ps said, they are censorious. and their face always look like BAO JING TIAN.

so yea..thats one HUGE sidetrack and to projects..=/

oh oh oh!!! do u guys prefer this font or the previous one? hahaha


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