
Sunday, December 10, 2006


sry abt e title..this 'sound' has been ringing in my head ever since huixin and esther started erm..making those noises..hahahaha..sry..cant control it..lolz (whatever that sound means or how it started..haha)

cg was good. played for e ministry portion of e406 and then played for my own cg. after like 2-3 weeks..o.O a bit rusty also..haa..=x

but thank God He was with me all throughout. plus i was fasting on that day itself..and praying literally throughout the day, whenever im alone. thats what a prayer life should be. prayer is like breathing for our spirit. it recharges, it renews, it strengthens.

and when u combine fasting with prayer, you renounce the natural and invoke the supernatural. on friday, before cg, i met up with my WISP project grp, finally! lol. well, left 30min before lesson to help my members print some stuff, and had problems with my laptop. so at 1pm (lesson started) i quickly switched to the comp instead (at the printing center).

to my horror, after i pressed print, i saw the tasks for that particular printer that was shared between 2 comps..the lady next to me printing book sia..30 over pages!! and one page took like almost one minute to print! o.O

in e end i was late for class like 30-40min bcos of that..and i got scolded. oh wells, im used to being a meatshield anyway..i did it for my team members..and it totally spoiled my presentation mood. i struggled to present machiam nothing happened, but it was hard..

today's service was great. indeed God is a God of variety and color! Newsboys were awesome, they had a rock alternative and techno feel to their style of praise and worship, and David D'or was angelic..i really admire the jewish israelis..its so amazing, God's own chosen people! =)

David D'or's style was more jazz and a bit of fusion i think. really cool to have such secular styles of praise and worship. its good to get exposed to new things. and i really admire these bands and people that are doing great things in the marketplace out there in the world XD

fellowship was great..its not just about eating, but Jesus is the center of fellowship. really enjoyed talking to JS, thomas, thaddeus and emmanuel on the things of God, it really excites me XD so many things we could talk about, we could talk non-stop :D

and haha..yuanrong is so funny..he looks so comical on any picture and in any shot! hahahaha! made me laugh until job man..haha XD

dont you hate it when you try so hard after so long to strike a conversation and all the person does is to give you the cold shoulder and guai-lan face?

a special to JS, elaine and lizhen:

Jia You! The joy of the Lord is your strength! When you are weak, He is strong and with God, nothing are impossible! :))


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