sian debarrment here and there....
no mood to do anything. im not good at anything..from studies to even gaming and other stuffs. my scm assignment is already 1 day late and im still doing..T_T
today after IMGT got 5 hr break then DSA from 4pm to 6pm. so i went home first. fell asleep and woke up at 4..=.= so missed another DSA lesson. im so pro right? late for 4pm class because i overslept!!! =/
everyone having ROSE level so frigging fast. all my friends all lvl100+ already. study not good at least i can try to be good at wont work either. i suck at everything. arrgh! now no mood to study, no mood to play, no mood to eat, no mood to rest, no mood to sleep...yes..moodless for anything and everything.
nothing interests me tired. i dont wanna do anything anymore. jus wanna rot till i die. at the rate im sleeping everyday, i really hope that one day ill just faint somewhere...:s and subconsciously stay asleep forever...
and if u think i had the mood to blog, i dont. in fact, my blog has crossed over 600 posts in my archives..takes awhile to load and publish..-.-" my blog is over 3 years thinking of creating a new one.
and i dont understand why people change blog machiam changing underwear like that. if u want to change so much then dont blog in the first place. you think editing HTML codes very fun isit?? i see codes until i wanna puke even editing my template!!!!! fag!!!
no offense to those who change their URLs.
for 3 years, i studied nothing but computer language...even my brain works like a computer now. as long as im out of RAM or harddisk space, ill display my 'illegal operation message', or my 'blue screen'. if one day im pissed off i might just post my blog entry in binary..-.-"
no mood to do anything. im not good at anything..from studies to even gaming and other stuffs. my scm assignment is already 1 day late and im still doing..T_T
today after IMGT got 5 hr break then DSA from 4pm to 6pm. so i went home first. fell asleep and woke up at 4..=.= so missed another DSA lesson. im so pro right? late for 4pm class because i overslept!!! =/
everyone having ROSE level so frigging fast. all my friends all lvl100+ already. study not good at least i can try to be good at wont work either. i suck at everything. arrgh! now no mood to study, no mood to play, no mood to eat, no mood to rest, no mood to sleep...yes..moodless for anything and everything.
nothing interests me tired. i dont wanna do anything anymore. jus wanna rot till i die. at the rate im sleeping everyday, i really hope that one day ill just faint somewhere...:s and subconsciously stay asleep forever...
and if u think i had the mood to blog, i dont. in fact, my blog has crossed over 600 posts in my archives..takes awhile to load and publish..-.-" my blog is over 3 years thinking of creating a new one.
and i dont understand why people change blog machiam changing underwear like that. if u want to change so much then dont blog in the first place. you think editing HTML codes very fun isit?? i see codes until i wanna puke even editing my template!!!!! fag!!!
no offense to those who change their URLs.
for 3 years, i studied nothing but computer language...even my brain works like a computer now. as long as im out of RAM or harddisk space, ill display my 'illegal operation message', or my 'blue screen'. if one day im pissed off i might just post my blog entry in binary..-.-"
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