
Saturday, November 04, 2006


celgrp was great. didnt get to play for this wk, cus of timing changes.

AnB is ust a few hours away..and ive already known more or less, e amt im gonna pledge when God spoke to me during cg sermon. like what we learnt, we give not out of obligation but out of revelation..

you can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving. do you have what it takes to love? someone once said, 'if ure not willing to die for something, ure not fit to live.'

many people talk the talk, but how many actually walk the walk? this period of AnB, indeed like wayne said, we'll see who truly loves God and are willing to walk in faith and commitment. it kinda acts like a filter. way only the best happens all the time..

many come to church just bcos its fun and convenient. but we're not interested in convenience, we're interested in conviction, not just in making converts, but in making DISCIPLES! if church was something convenient, then only the laziest, sloppiest and the most undisciplined people will be in the church!

i was meditating on wad ps said a few weeks ago, you can have a saved heart, and yet have a pagan mind! also, i was meditating on wad i learnt in BS a few wks ago. what is frustration? frustration is love without the power of God.

your loved one is sick. you love the person, but you dont have the power of God to heal that person. that is frustration. you love someone and yet you dont have the finances to buy the person a simple bdae gift or even a card. that is frustration.

i cant wait for pledging weekend tmr..haha.

i liked wad ps said: love is more than what you desire or admire, but love is what it COSTS you to GIVE! if love doesnt cost, love is lost. the thought of being a MM (ministry member) leaves me with mixed emotions..wayne talked to me RE MM membership. being an OM is one thing, but being a MM is another thing altogether. the amount of responsibility and other things i have to consider..but i really thank God for preparing me for the next level..

a few more hours..:D


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