
Sunday, April 23, 2006

What to do when you don't know what to do

service was great today. worship by Andrew Naylor from CCC and a special item by International Singer cum Gospel Singer, Vicky Vilakazi from south africa. Her voice was really tremendously great. =) aini's fren came today as well...x)

prayed for mission team and then we prayed for south africa. i remembered e time when we prayed for sri lanka, the next day on the newspaper, sri lanka and the tamil tigers discuss peace talks for the first time in decades! there is power in a faith filled, fervent prayer!!!

and as usual, the preaching is always great. not only it inspires, but it transformes lives. no use having someone to inspire you and yet your life remains the same. there's got to be a renewing in your mind! having a positive attitude is useless without a renewed mind. without a renewed mind, positive thinking will only last for a limited amount of time. and the moment a storm hits your life, you crumble! (think i posted this in my prev post..hmm..haha)

after svc went for wordpower...alone...yea..with pohchoo. not bad..considering i didnt get e next 20 verses (21-40)...i managed to fill in 8 full verses, of course prone to punctuation errors..haha. i just know in my heart that pohchoo's gonna advance to the next round, hahas, no one can doubt that lols. after tt met up with eugene and huixin and went to bedok for makan and fellowship, watermelon big..LOL

without further a do, here are the notes:

-2 Chr 20:1, 3-4, 12-14, 22, 25-26

1) Set your heart to SEEK God

-prayer make things happen.
-you do not have because you do not ask. -> as long as something is in the will of God, and when we ask, believing we have received it, it will come to pass.
-ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened.

-psm 9:10, 14:2

2) Focus on the PROMISE, not on the problem

-dont make hasty decisions based on life experiences alone!
-no doubt they're good, but we live in a fallen down's experiences are not accurate.
-but rather, make decisions based on what the Word of God says! make decisions based on conviction and revelation!
-failure is not final and failure is not fatal. -> only God's Word is final!

-in between the place of promise and the place of possession, is the gap of problems and storms.
-are you going to have a pity-party, sit around the premises and wait for the promises, are you going to worry about anything and everything, or are you going to step out in faith and calm the sea of galilee in your life?

-if you have faith as a mustard seed, you can speak to the mountain be removed and be cast into the sea and nothing will be impossible for you!

3) Having done all, STAND before the Lord

-what does it mean to stand before the Lord?
-it means to be unwavered, to anchor your faith in God and to trust Him to bring you through your problems. dont panic, dont be nervous, trust in the name of the Lord!
-delay is not denial!

4) Wait for the Holy Spirit

-dont try to be smarter than the Holy Spirit, dont try to be faster or to overtake the Holy Spirit, He doesnt follow us, we follow Him and we are led by Him.
-the difference between a babe in christ and a mature believer is the ability to be led by the Holy Spirit.

-dont underestimate the power of imagination, if you can see it you can have it.
-> if you can see success/solutions, you can have it, likewise, if you can see failure, you will have it as well! your life is a manifestation of your thoughts, and your words set the boundaries on the picture of your future.

-your vision is your future, and your future is in your vision.
-be quick to respond and quick to obey. -> God doesnt go by reason, God goes by FAITH!
not that God is against reason, but He is just ABOVE reason; He is beyond natural human reasoning. His ways and thoughts are higher than ours.

5) Praise God in ADVANCE

-praise is vocal, to praise is to 'shout'. silent praise is like chicken rice without chicken, without rice, boiled ice-kachang, bak-kut-tea ice.
-praise is the language of faith!

-the presence of God travels through an atmosphere of worship.
-BUT the POWER of God travels through an atmosphere of FAITH!
-the presence of God can be everywhere/multiple places at e same time, but the POWER of God is centralised at a specific location at a specific time; a kairos timing.

-> when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, not every dead person from every tomb came forth at the same time!

-faith is not required when things are going well, but when your life is in a mess.
-when you praise God at the point in your life when you feel the least in praising God, that's when your praise becomes precious to God.

-praise in advance breaks the power of the devil in your life. -> Satan has come to steal, to kill and to destroy. and what he has taken from you, the moment you offer the SACRIFICE of praise to God, God and His angels will fight on your behalf, and He will rebuke the devourer for your sake! -> Every relationship is built on trust and communication.


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