
Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Authority For Victory Lesson 1

man, it was goooood, superb! i wanna join bible school! lols.

talked about the pre-adamic race (the first human civilisation), the first rebellion and the dinosaurs! lols. and next lesson will be talking about the Fall of Lucifer during the first rebellion. its so intriguing to know the things that happened between Gen 1:1 and Gen 1:2.

the bible is 6000++ years old (or writes the events for over a period of around 6000 years). so how did the fossilized dinosaurs and mosquitoes that are dated MILLIONS or even BILLIONS of years old....come about? ;) JOIN AFV or go bible school! hahaha...yea i know some people already at GHS. lols. yayaya...thank you very

preadamic race : those born before Adam
adamic race : those born after Adam

at first the lesson talked about Spiritual Warfare. that as believers, we are not on the defensive side, but we are on the offensive side! Problems and crisis are inevitable, and we must FIGHT the good fight of faith and finish the race, win the victory, plunder hell and populate heaven! =) even God Himself was not only a loving, good, caring, Shepard, but He is also a good Military Commander. Spiritual Warfare is something personal, something close to us.

The higher level you go, the tougher the demons. Satan doesnt fight us most of the time, as there is only ONE satan, and he cant be everywhere at the same time. So we cant say the devil attacked us, UNLESS we are apostles, or someone important doing great things and upsetting the devil himself that he wants a one-on-one fight. However, he has his own army of demons.

Lord of Hosts - "Hosts'' refers to Angels. God has an army of angels with various ranks among them, and God always ensures total victory against all His enemies.

Josh 5:13-15 -> 'He' refers to Jesus, in His pre-incarnated state, before He became flesh.

In the OT, God reveals Himself as 3 forms:

Human Being, Angelic Being, Non-human Entity (e.g. Burning Bush)

'Adam' in hebrew means 'man'. E.g. Jesus came as the last adam (the last Man), etc.

PS: Its always good to have a hebrew/greek bible so that translations can be accurate.

In Gen 1:1 - God created the heavens (plural - 3 heavens) with the angels, the earth and all that was in it...OUT OF NOTHING and everything was wonderfully and beautifully created.

Job 38:1-7, neh 9:6 -> angels shouted for joy when the earth was formed. (gen 1:1)

then in gen 1:2 how is it possible that they were shouting the for joy if something didnt happen in between gen 1:1 and gen 1:2? they shouted for joy because the earth was without form and void? that darkness was over the land? (gen 1:2)

"Without form and void" in original hebrew is 'Tohu Va Bohu'. -> wasted, unfilled, empty, upside-town, topsy-turvy, etc.

Isa 34:11, Jer 4:23 -> in gen 1:1 everything was created (Bara) and was good and angels shouted for joy. in gen 1:2 the earth became Tohu Va Bohu. In between was the first rebellion of the first nations (the preadamic human civilisation), and the fall of lucifer who in the book of Isaiah 'deceived the nations' (Lucifer existed before Adam, after Adam Lucifer had become Satan, the serpent represented). And God brought judgement upon the wickedness of the nations. Causing MASSIVE DESOLATION (there was sulphur, fire, darkness, etc).


Dinosaurs, Apemen, Nathadel (spell correctly?) man (stone age men) existed in the preadamic period. One of the preadamic man in the book Isaiah described having seeing huge beasts with tails or something, cant rem the exact reference. (Ps Kong talked during the conference on e book of Isaiah part 1).

And scientists concluded the that most accurate cause of dinosaur extinction is the large meteor(s) which rained from the sky (sulphur) causing fire/darkness/etc. -> Judgement of the first rebellion leading to MASSIVE DESOLATION. (although the bible did not exactly described much about dinosaurs, but thats the most accurate we can get.) -> secret things belong to the Lord =)

Elohim Bara (Heb.) -> God created
Elohim - plural, Bara - singular -> God plurality-singularly created the world out of nothing.
Plural-Singular is the same as..'you is', 'he are', etc.

why is Elohim plural? -> The Trinity! Father, Son, Holy Spirit

'Waters' - Mayim (Heb.) -> plural -> the clouds, the seas, and the gaseous state of air in between, thus you have your firmaments.

-Gen 2:7 - 'Life' = chay (pronounced as 'shay', Heb.) -> also plural
-3 forms of life: physical (bios), soulish/mental-emotional (psuche), spiritual (zoe)

After the first rebellion, after the earth became Toru Va Bohu, Elohim 'recreated' the earth. "Made'' in exo 20:11, in direct hebrew translation is the word 'asah', meaning 'recreated'. -> that was when God completed His work in 6 days and Adam came forth. (Gen 1:2 onwards)

Elohim bara (created out of nothing) -> Toru Va Bohu (first rebellion and judgement (preadamic period), fall of lucifer) -> Elohim asah (recreated with whatever was left/found useful -> Adam came from dust and Eve from his ribs)

Evolution DOES NOT exist! we did not 'evolve' from Apemen, u may look like one, u may behave like one or even smell like one, but we were created after Adam. During the preadamic period, God did had NOT yet breathed the Breath of Life into the apemen or the stoneage men.

Only when Adam was formed, did God breathe His image, likeness, creativity, ability and productivity into Adam, creating him in His likeness and image! thus we are all created in e likeness and image of God =)

Yea, next lesson is the fall of lucifer, cant wait..hahas. I wanna learn hebrew! lols. or mebbe get a hebrew bible haha..indeed e bible is more than John 3:16!!! ;)


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