
Saturday, January 21, 2006

The Power of Confession

Success is not achieved, success is DISCOVERED when you find the pre-determined path that God has ordained for you before time began.

mt 16:13-16, 17
'Jonah' = 'Dove' (Holy Spirit)
-Your name reveals your nature and character. -> Therefore when God changes your name, He changes you to a whole new person.
-Stop seeing yourself the way the world sees you, stop seeing yourself the way you saw yourself in the past -> But see yourself as how God would see you, as how He created you to be.

-Revelational knowledge is solid rock foundation -> It is undeniable truth revealed by the Holy Spirit.
-Know who you are and what you have!
James 1:23-24

3 BASIC keys to success:

1) Power of REVELATION
-what has the Holy Spirit revealed/spoken to you?
-dont just know the 'what's (all the ideas that God gave you), you've got to know the 'WHEN's!

-eph 3:20 -> if you can see it, you can have it.
-BUT a good idea may NOT be a GOD-idea. It has got to be a RHEMA from God.

3) Power of CONFESSION

-Life and death is in the power of the tongue.
-Gen 1:1-3, Psm 33:6
-'hovering' -> waiting
-The Holy Spirit could not get into action UNTIL God SPOKE the Word.

The BREATH follows the WORD when you SPEAK. -> Breath symbolises the Holy Spirit.
-Heb 1:1-3, 11:1
-Words are the launching pad of the creative power of the Holy Spirit.
-Dont just speak any word, you have the speak the RHEMA that God has given to you!

Faith is the substance of the things hoped for; The evidence of things not seen.
Faith is a substance. Faith is substantial. You'll know it's there when it's there.
'Evidence' speaks of FOUNDATION.

The more mature your faith is, the less evidence you'll need to support it.
There are 2 levels of faith:

1) The woman who touched Jesus' garments -> "Ill only get healed when people lay hands on me", "Pastor, please lay hands on me or Ill never be healed..."

Although the woman said, "IF ONLY I TOUCH HIS CLOTHES, I will be healed"...It is still a LOW/SIMPLE level of faith!!!

This kind of faith is referred to as the "Point of Contact''. -> There must be physical/sense/natural contact.

2) The roman centurion (a gentile; non-believer) who built God a house -> whom someone he knew was dying back at some place else. The centurion encountered Jesus. Jesus asked told him, "let me go to his house that I may lay hands and heal him..."

The centurion replied that he himself was a man of authority, that when he says go his soldiers will go. Therefore Jesus, since You are of a greater authority, just speak the Word (despite the sick person is in someplace else!) and he will be healed. "Never in all of Isreal, have I seen such GREAT FAITH"!

This kind of faith is referred to as the faith in the "SPOKEN WORD".

Jesus walked on water. Peter walked on water. HOW? Jesus SPOKE the Word. Why the rest in the boat didnt step out and walk on water? Because Jesus did not SPEAK the Word. -> It was a rhema for a particular person, for a particular situation, for a particular time.

-Heb 11:3 -> your words create the world you live in!
-This creates the atmosphere which will in turn create the 'fruits' of that particular atmosphere which will again in turn attract people of the same type/quality of your words.
God builds on the positive, the devil builds on the negative.

"By faith, we know that the worlds were FRAMED by His WORD..."
-What is a frame? A frame determines the boundaries/limits of the picture it carries.
-Therefore, our words determine the boundaries of our future, of our visions, of our dreams!
-If you cant express it, you can never achieve it.

-People who speak vulgarities, have limited vocabulary. Other than the vulgar words, they will have difficulty expressing themselves. These people will never succeed because they create SMALL FRAMES for their lives!

Small thinking (MIND) -> Small frame (WORDS) -> Small life (OUTCOME)

People know you not by what you wear, or by what you do. They know you inside out THE MOMENT YOU OPEN YOUR MOUTH!
-2 cor 4:13 -> What you believe, you SPEAK/CONFESS!

People who always, "sian ah", "die liao la", "fail already" -> WILL be sian, will die, and will fail!
Words are a creative force that will create the world you live in.
The world was formed the moment God SPOKE! And then the Holy Spirit moved.

Since we have the same spirit of Elohim in us, when we speak, we are able to prophesy and create our own lives!

But you must know the process:

REVELATION (God reveals to you through His RHEMA; Faith comes)
VISUALIZATION (You see it in your spirit-man; Faith is being developed )
CONFESSION (You speak it into existence; Faith is EXECUTED; Power is released)

God speaks -> Holy Spirit moves -> Holy Spirit reveals to you -> You see it -> You speak it

-And your life is changed!


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