
Saturday, January 14, 2006

Deja Vu : Glimpses of Eternity.

Time is money -> time costs
Time has no significance without goals.
Goals determine the course of your life. Without goals, your life has no course. That is why some people never move on and stay where they are.

Singapore's GDP per capita is $48,345 per year.
Each citizen is worth an average of $3291 (per month, minus CPF, bonuses, etc.) to the country. -> Therefore, if you're earning below $3291 per month you are below the AVERAGE value of a singaporean. (including non-believers, atheists, etc.) -> when you should be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath!

An average singaporean deals with 1million to 2million sg dollars in his lifetime!!! So dont say you'll never see that amount in your lifetime.

Birth - Age 25 = The LEARNING period
Age 26-65 = The EARNING Period
Age 66 and above = The GOLDEN Period

The average lifespan of a person after retirement (age 65) is 7 years before one dies.
Don't waste your life away after retirement. Continue to work, serve and to be a blessing. In other words, the moment you stop/retire, you are doomed to die because you are just surviving and waiting for death. -> we are blessed to be a blessing!

Poverty is the state or the condition of having little or no MONEY, GOODS or means of SUPPORT.

Poverty starts in the mind -> when you're filled with negative thinking. Don't live on stinking thinking! Don't focus on the circumstance, focus on the Word. It's about what the Word says and about what GOD thinks and says, it's never about you and who you are, but about who He is.

God made man to be PRODUCTIVE. (multiply, fill the earth, subdue, have dominion)
When man finds no meaning in life or when one feels that he/she has not been productive/fruitful enough, the person will get frustrated.

Lack of meaning in life or productivity leads to frustration.

Gen 1:26, 28, Rom 12:2, Luk 4:18, Prov 13:23
Believing in Jesus doesnt change your life! Life changes ONLY when your thinking changes. Without the renewing of your mind, you can never be in tuned with the mind of God.
You may be saved in your heart, yet unrenewed in your mind/thinking!
-Do not be conformed to this world, but BE TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your mind.

The destruction of the poor is their poverty.
Poverty robs man of productivity and leads him into frustration.

No one can fashion/shape you to be anything less than who you really are. -> know who you are in God! the devil hates it when you realise that you are more than what you are, that you are extraordinary, anointed and empowered to succeed!

God has hidden treasures in eternity for you to find it. That is why we need the Holy Spirit. Some of which are hidden talents, gifts, some are secret weapons/solutions to succeed. The devil knows when you find them, you will be able to defeat him.

"Fallow" means UNCULTIVATED. Let the Word of God sow the seeds of visions and dreams, seeds of destiny into our lives! You may be poor, but in Christ ull nv stay poor all your life.
-Its not that we dont have visions and dreams. They already existed in eternity before time began. It's jus UNCULTIVATED by the Word of God.

You may think of helping the poor, dont just help the poor, make sure they DONT STAY poor! Get them out of the poverty trap!

Gospel = good news.
-> The only good news for a poor person is that he dont have to be poor, that in God he can have MORE than enough. -> That is why we need the gospel, the Word of God.

Jhn 8:48, 49-51, 52-58, Jhn 1:1, 14


'[' = start of time
']' = end of time
'----' = eternity

-the gap in between time and infinity is eternity. (no beginning, no end, no limits)
-eternity is referred to as the realm of the Spirit or the mind of God.
-time is a pause in eternity, a parenthesis of eternity.

-conception doesnt begin in your mother's womb, but in the mind of God. -> He knew you and called you by name and chosen you with a high calling BEFORE you were born. (Start of time).
-we existed in the mind of God as plans, imaginations, purpose, ordained, ideas, as spiritual beings....OUTSIDE time.

-everything that happens in time is merely a manifestation and the fulfillment of that which has already happened in eternity.
-before Abraham was, Jesus was. The lamb was slain before it was slain.
-we are in this world but not of this world.
-Jesus is talking about the concept of Eternity.

-From the diagram, we existed outside time, in the mind of God.
-when time began, we as spiritual beings are merely placed in a mortal body to fulfill the plans and purpose for our lives that God has already planned and carried out in eternity.
-When the bible talked about the spirit of Elijah upon John the baptist, it was referring to eternity as well.

-In eternity, there is no defeat, no death, no limits. Elijah died hundreds of years before John the Baptist. But when our 'shell' crumbles, God simply finds another 'shell'. Which in this case, was the SPIRIT of Elijah on John the Baptist. -> because it was God's will. not everyone who dies have a chance to live in another body.

-This is NOT reincarnation. Because whatever the happened in TIME (e moment we are born) HAD ALREADY HAPPENED in eternity. its merely a manifestation and fulfillment of THAT which had happened.

-God had plans and solutions for our lives in eternity. It is OUR JOB to find it, to walk it, and to live it! -> In the beginning was the Word and the Word was WITH God and the Word WAS God. (Eternity) And the Word became flesh and dwelled among us. (Jesus -> From Eternity came down to Time to fulfill it).

-We are not the product of time. We are the product of of eternity POSITIONED in time!

Rev 3:18, Eph 1:4, 2 Tim 1:9, Psm 139:16, 2 Cor 4:18, Eph 2:10
-We are not human beings trying to get a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings MASTERING the human experience.
-We have a good life that is already existing in eternity. -> Time for us to get connected with the things of the Spirit.

Deja = Already
Vu = Seen
DejaVu = Already Seen

The things which are seen are temporary, the things which are not seen are ETERNAL.
The things which are seen are made of the things which are NOT SEEN.

-When deja vu happens, you'll be calm when that which is in eternity actually happens in the realm of time, as if it were expected. As if you had been through and experienced it before.

-It's when the Holy Spirit takes us OUT of Time, the parenthesis of eternity, and gives us a glimpse of ETERNITY, the mind of God. We see, we hear, we feel, we let us know that we are on track then places us BACK into Time. And it's our duty to set goals to fulfill our purpose that God has ordained in Eternity.

-Success the the PROGRESSIVE REVELATION and REALIZATION of this pre-determined GOOD LIFE.

-We dont have to struggle + search high and low for success! We have to connect with God, know the right path to take, set goals and work on it! Success has been PRE-DESTINED for us.

Success is DISCOVERED. (When we choose the right path that God has planned for us and walk it in FAITH!).

Prov 25:2 -> The glory of God is to conceal a matter. The glory of KINGS is to SEARCH OUT a matter.

Ecc 3:10-11, 15
The greatest thing you can know is that we have eternity IN our hearts. That same limitless capacity, blessing, anointing and power that is in the mind of God, has been deposited into us through the Holy Spirit.

Whatever is has already been
What will be has been before


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