
Sunday, November 20, 2005

The Power of FOCUS (Concentration)


Luk 11:34
-Focused light has tremendous power! -> we are called to be the LIGHT of the world.
e.g. sun : strong source, 5,500 degrees, laser : weak source, hotter than the sun, can cut thru metals and heal cancer!

-Focus is the centre-point of your attention
-Focus brings power and energy

You get what you focus on.
-phi 3:13-14, luk 9:51-53
-Stay focused on your purpose!

How do you stay focused on your purpose?

1) Build on your STRENGTH.
-What are you naturally inclined to do? What are your God-Given talents and abilities?
-Focus and develop them!

2) Build on your DISTINCTIVE.
-What makes you unique/different from others? What are the things that you can do when others cannot?
-What are the things you find yourself doing effortlessly? Go for it!
-Know what you're wired for. No one is the same, we are all unique.

3) Build on your REVELATION. (This is what we have that non-believers dont have).
-What has God SPOKEN to you over your life (rhema)? What is your life assignment?
-acts 6:4, 1 cor 10:23 - everyone has the power of choice. dont waste your life making the wrong ones! (A good idea may not neccessarily be a GOD-idea)

Dont live on second-hand revelation, hear God for yourselves today! What ever God says over your life WILL come to pass, get the VISION and God will be your PROVISION.


Distraction is to have your attention drawn away to something other than your purpose.
Distraction stirs up confusion/jealousy/both.

1) Dont get distracted by INTERIM SUCCESSES.
-dun be too confident in your 'winning feeling'. Hewlett Packard's purpose was to major in the printing industry, but what happened? because of their winning feeling they thought they could do almost everything.

as a result, HP cameras, PCs, MP3 players, anything other than what they were designed to accomplish, were worth nothing. there was no profit.

-jhn 3:22-23, 24-26, 27
-You can never have what God doesnt want you to have, and what God has given to you, no one can take it away.
-Jealousy and distraction drains you.

2) Dun be distracted by COMPETITION.
-Focus doesnt mean you're naive, that you dont know your surroundings/rivals.
-Jhn 21:17-22, 18:33-37
-Focus tells you when to fight and when not to fight.
-Focus prevents you from missing the big picture.

E.g. Netscape company was e one who ushered the internet era. they started off very well. but what happened? they got distracted by Microsoft. instead of making their product better, they got distracted and focused all their energy on bringin Microsoft to court and trying to shut Mircrosoft down / to sue Microsoft.

as a result, Netscape was sold to AOL and everything came crumbling down. what happened? distraction...UNNECESSARY distraction and wrong choices!

-Heb 12:2
-Glory is released under pressure. -> you wont know the depth of your character until you see how you react under pressure. (every diamond is a result of the furnace).
-Purpose = joy + pain. you cannot just have one, you need BOTH. if not it wont be called purpose anymore, but selective purpose.

just do what you're called to do and they'll do what they're called to do. ''mind your own business'' =)

sidetrack a bit...^^

-you wanna live life your own way? its your choice. we are all imperfect. rely on man/urself and ull get an imperfect result, but when u rely on God, ull get a GOD-result, a blessed result, the head and not e tail, above n not beneath, more than enough!

which reminds me, the quality of your harvest is dependent on the quality of the SOIL....AND....who's the Gardener of your seed!

getting back now...^^

3) Dont get distracted by the PAIN of LIFE.

i) The pain of DISCIPLINE - always be willing to be discipled.

ii) The pain of SEPARATION from friends. -> every new level you go, you must learn to let go and be open to your new circle of friends. -> its a way of life.

iii) The pain of DISAPPOINTMENT -> how painful it is, is dependent on the difference between your expectations and the reality.

iv) The pain of OBEDIENCE -> life's greatest treasures can only be learnt through sorrows. the greatest treasures of life and character are found in the most dangerous place, the valley of the shadow of death. -> without a problem, you can never see how God can move.
-Jhn 7:1-6

v) The pain of ACCUSATION -> ppl without a focus will do anything and at anytime. but people with a focus will do the right things at the right time.
-prov 4:25-26

-whenever you try to achieve great things, there are bound to be ppl who will pull you down. so dont be pulled down, you step on them! -> as long as ur will is in e will of God, God will make every setback into a comeback, and turn every bad situation for your good!


so excited for next wk...tabernacle last lesson! yay! haha..yup. gonna learn abt e Holy of Holies! =) im expecting God to move in a great way and take our church into a whole new level. and next wk is phil pringle and triple-C...yeah! ^_^ so excited.

indeed we are moving from glory to glory, strength to strength! :))


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