
Monday, January 25, 2010

Revelations, Random Picture

"In everything, do it as doing unto the Lord..."

So how about relationships? Do we just seek them for the sake of romance or love or provision?

Or do we enter a relationship for the kingdom of heaven's sake? Fulfilling our destiny, learning what it means to be like Christ and being the maximized man/woman that God wants us to be?

How we start, will determine how we end.

In life, there are 3 types of people:

1. Those who bring you back to your past.
2. Those who keep you where you are.
3. Those who take you forward into your destiny.

What kind of person are you?
What kind of person are we 'associated' with?

While love, romance, finances, etc, are important, they are not the essentials, or rather, the fundamentals.

"The purpose of marriage is to be like Christ". - Robb Thompson.

Just observe the trend in our church alone, the most perfect couples are the ones who started out with nothing, they lived simple lives, some even struggled through their youth, dull, boring, unsuccessful, very little qualifications, acne-faced, etc.

But look at them now...our greatest example, is our very own Ps Kong and Sun.

One, was an ugly-faced, shy and intimidated boy. The other, was a singer wannabe whose dream was despised, and who lived with depression.

But now, one is topping the charts all over the world, and the other, building a global ministry that has impacted the world in several generations!

Sun couldve gone for a prince charming back then, or someone with lots of wealth and status, but look at them now, SEE FOR YOURSELF, what God has done and will do.

If you have the perfect one, you are blessed. But the moment you enter that person's life, he/she is no longer perfect. Haha.

While all these things are good, the truth remains, that when we seek first His kingdom and all His righteousness, that all these things will be ADDED. Go check the dictionary for the meaning of "Addition".

If you wanna be like someone you respect, that DO WHAT THE PERSON DID!

What do you want? You decide.

In as much as there are resources out there on how to have a happy relationship, nothing beats a real life example, one that you have been looking at every week!

Be smart. If you have a brain, use it.

You can argue and reason a theory, but you cannot argue or reason a real life testimony.

If you've been making mistakes in the past, then just stop making the same mistake. "Ohh, But...but...but...I dont know how to change this, change that..."

You dont need to do anything, JUST STOP! S-T-O-P, STOP!

Any driver will tell you that if you wanna change a manual gear, you have to first step on the gear clutch. If not what happens? Stall, break down, damage to parts, etc.

God speaks in a still small voice. But if our heads are like a getai opera or some pasar malam, its very hard to hear that still small voice. Im sure we all know how irritating it is, that no matter how hard we try to speak, the person cant seem to hear.

How much we believe in God's word, is reflected by how fast we are willing to act upon it.

To end off, here's a rather interesting scene I found at Tampines Mall hahaha.

The shop doesnt seem to like chinese new year..:O LOL! But when checked with my friend, he says, the ARRGHH! was meant to be the roar of a tiger since this is the year of the tiger. O.O At least make it GRRAAH! or something.

Like...since when is ARRGH! a roaring sound!? O.O Haha. Esprit, its not 1 April yet, try harder. :P


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