
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Vastness of God

Im home.

I was literally singing while walking back. Singing when Im opening the door, singing when Im inside the house. Nobody's home anyway, I could sing my heart out to God. Hahaha, Im just so excited to be alone with Him.

I was sitting and eating my packet cai fan.

And a phrase came to mind:

"Everything happens for a purpose." or "God has a purpose in all things".

I began looking at the food Im eating. I began to ponder. Is there a purpose why Im eating rice and not noodles? Is there a purpose why Im eating 'x' amount of cabbage and not 'y'? Is there a reason why there's xxxxxxxxx amount of rice in my packet?

Amazingly, the answer is crystal clear, yes.

We eat 'x' amount of rice, so that 'y-x' can be left for 'k' number of people, and with the concept of time, 'a' number of rice fields can be cultivated and harvested. Soon, you begin to see the big picture, all the rice fields in the world. Their exact numbers, everything just flows in place so that mankind have enough food! Isnt it just so amazing!

Its not about over-reacting, its about becoming more aware of God.

How many of you actually think about Him the whole day?
Yet He thinks about us for the whole of eternity.

He even knows the number of hairs on our heads. The millions, billions and trillions of just ONE person. Now multiply that memory by 8-10 billion. And now, since God knows how many atoms are there in just one object, multiply that with infinity no. of objects...then add onto the previous equation.

And that my friends, is just earth alone. Now multiply with zillions of stars, and then multiply again with billions of galaxies, then multiply again with millions of clusters...there end.

The numbers are vast, to our simple human minds, its infinity. Infinity upon infunity.

Now think about it, in God's memory alone. You have that vast amount of information, and everyone knows, we store our emotions in our minds as well. Now imagine, God's love in infinity, His faith in infinity, His joy in infinity...that's the God we serve.

Compared to Him, we are just so small and insignificant. That may be how some of you feel today, but when Infinity begins to live inside of you, you shouldnt feel so weary, you should EXPLODE!

Explode that creativity!
Explode that love!
Explode that faith!

Faith that will change an entire generation!
Creativity that will leave behind a legacy!
Love that will win millions!

Giving everything but your best, giving up halfway,
Doubt and unbelief is an insult to God.

With Infinity living inside of us,
how can we afford to be mediocre?

With Infinity living inside of us,
how can we afford to stay in our comfort zone?

With Infinity living inside of us,
how can we afford to be satisfied at where we are?

"Oh my cg will never grow, oh my church will never grow.."
God formed the billions, what is a few thousand to you?

Why we sometimes feeling tired and weary?
The answer is simple: Its because only a small portion of God is in our lives!
We wouldnt be, if we begin to give our all, in exchange for all of Him!
And let Him Elohim and El Shaddai begin to explode on the inside of us!

The moment God lives inside of us,
We have Eternity in our hearts.

We become who we follow.


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