
Saturday, March 14, 2009

New Wife!!!

Haha yes, I went, I ransaked the place and I bought something thats worth over 2k for less than 1.4k. Considering the fact that it was the last 3 units left..=S

I was thinking, God is so good. The timing...if I was any earlier, I wouldve paid more, by maybe 200 more? If I was any later, the event wouldve closed and even IF I were to go again this morning, the stock would already be out. =O

Well, I did write down the prayer request on my prayer book =))

Its so amazing, I wrote down the specific specs and God did exceedingly abundant above what I asked or imagined.

I wrote:

C2Q (Core 2 Quad)
NVIDIA 512 Graphics card
By the end of march

Well, my model has 3GB RAM, but God made it up by giving me a 1GB NVIDIA GT graphics card. ;)) And yes, I thought at first, Im satisfied with a C2D(duo), but I was thinking, Hmm, just put down higher specs, who knows..maybe it will happen, if it doesnt ill still be happy.

But it really did!!! LOL. =DD And I bought it for a super ridiculously low price and before even mid march. :)

And the best thing is it came with a sound system for free =) And a free antivirus with one year license. To top it off, this system already has an antivirus attached to vista. So I can get to keep the antivirus for later..haha.

And God is real funny too..I told myself that vista Im using VISTA LOL. I told myself anime is boring and a few years back, I went on a bleach spree! haha.

Man the IT fair was packed!!! You have to queue for the escalator alone cus its just that packed haha.

Just a few issues though...this unit has an internal wireless but the port is BEHIND. So, i have to attach the antenna behind. Which is pointing in a rather awkward position =S So my internet signal is either low or average. =/ I might consider getting an external wireless receiver. Just those tiny smallie ones as long as its not pointing backwards into the corridor of my house lol.

Btw, shouldnt antennas be omnidirectional? Hmm I guess I failed my networking LOL..but I yea...thats another joke. whole life is a joke la lol!!!

I was typing this post and I opened Character Map to copy the "!!!"s... o.o And I was looking for the Fn key to press my numbers...AND...I totally left out the numpad on the right of the keyboard haha...yea yea laugh all you want...i know im weird...and anyone who knows me will in turn be weird too haha.

Vista is so smooth. I LOVE IT LOLOL. Im ready for Windows 7!!! BRING IT haha.

I was playing a game and I could see the wrinkles on the character's face..woot..haha..HARDCORE

Vista gives me orgasms...*oops that sounds wrong hahaha


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