
Monday, April 28, 2008

Work, Guitar

Work is okay, finally my desk is clearing lol. Not too much stacks of paper compared to last week. I need to be more organised I feel. Clearing my desk, even though its not mine, cus I sit at someone else's desk, finishing my work, etc. Im someone who doesnt like incomplete work, lol..especially if Im almost done, I dont like to leave it halfway.

But if its food, I tend to do the opposite haha. Its because I can afford to eat less. In fact, I need to. =/ Today was my first time stepping into the HR department lol. Its hidden in another block. Even though the buildings are connected and both the HR office and mine are 2nd floor, yet you cant just walk across like that, you have to go downstairs, walk to the other end, then go up again. haha.

Officially had my first guitar lesson. Well, my first time teaching actually. My first student lol. And Im surprised it lasted 2 hours. Shi, you learn fast haha..maybe its because ure around there to begin with. =D

I have 3 other potential learners. But yea..Kar, join us next time k? :) Haha. One acoustic, one electric, one bass. Shiok haha. (And by electric I mean SeowShi play the electric haha.)

Its very hard to find girls who can play guitar. Its not easy, its not without pain or discomfort. And to find one really just show how talented but more importantly, how passionate a person is.

I myself started out, not knowing anything, never had the desire to become cgg, all I wanted was to worship Him, to love Him and to make Him happy everyday. But as I progressed on, He has brought me to places Ive never dreamed of.

I asked myself, of all things..why guitar? Piano is a painless musical instrument..other than finger cramps if ure not careful. I dont know, maybe I feel God's presence more with a guitar haha.

I wanna learn keyboard btw. Anyone care to teach? =P

Like they always say, when you teach, you yourself are enriched.
He who waters others, he himself will be watered.

Its the little things you do to bless someone.
Its the little things you do to help.

Same with God,

Its the little prayers you make,
Its the little whispers of "I love you",
Its the simplicity of worship that moves the heart and the hand of God.

I encountered God in my office toilet today.
Im tired, but happy.

How wonderful, how beautiful...


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