
Monday, January 07, 2008

Stoned. Randoms.

Just now I was on the bus 154, on my way to school.

I was sitting at the seats where they faced each other. The ones near the front of the bus. As usual, the girls will sit on the outside. Not my seat, but the one im facing.

And you know it can get quite cramp and narrow. Especially when Im being the good singaporean who sits inside and that lady being the typical singaporean girl who sits outside and 'zho-teng' the way..

So this girl boarded the bus, and she tried to squeeze her way past this 'aunty', sorry I have to call you aunty lol, but you really are one. And this gal came in and sat directly in front of me, beside the 'aunty'. (The 21 year old aunty).

The funny thing was..when she sat down..she let out a high-pitched and quick.."Ow!". LOL! I sat there directly facing that seat, I was trying so hard not to laugh..I was gonna LMAO aldr.

I quickly rested my chin in my hands and stared out the window, trying my best not to even smile too obviously. Hahahaha!

Deadline has come. Progress? CMI. This is what happens when you get to engrossed in your project and you 'act-smart'.

*(Its christmas week, one week to date due.)*

"Can you add an extra search feature for me?"

"Oh ya, can also add a signin and signout feature for the volunteers? Id be good. :D"
" problem man."

"Haha oh yes, one last thing, I want the system to be able to sort by category and also, improve the search feature to help me search for names."
"Oh ok."

"You sure its okay? I heard you guys doing IHP have a very pathetic timeframe.."
"Haha..yes..but nvm I can do it one..if I cant finish by then, at most I just expand and improve on it when I graduate."



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