Update! yea...
did i say Sy Rogers was this week? lol i tink i did due to my excitement. well its NEXT week, or next Sunday rather ^^ anywaez, this week's been good. indeed, one day in e house of God is better than a thousand elsewhere! =)
Cel grp meeting
i was supposed to help setup for ccgm, (combined cg meeting) for ps audrey's zone, which i was in. in e end, i had to stay throughout the meeting. didnt really have e time to really go into worship and really grab God. i was sad in a way. but e message was good and many responded to once again grab hold of their first love for God once again.
so i decided to go for makeup on sat with e110. i told myself, i will NEVER because of ministry miss out on the presence of God, to miss out on worship and to miss out any prayer meeting or message. NEVER! my first calling is to the Lord! yea...
presence of God was strong. so many a times, we are not happy with our lives because we tend to forget the things we need to remember and remember the things we need to forget. i got ministered by evan towards e end. presence of God came sooo strong. i began to cry out to God, "i want more of you! though i may not have backslided in anyway, i still want more! im not satisfied!" there was such a great hunger that i felt.
i learnt that we must learn to remember:
1. How God has been GOOD to you. (dont forget God in e midst of ur success, prosperity. it was GOD who brought you to where you are!)
2. How God gave you VICTORIES. (If God has done it, He WILL do it again!)
3. The words God SPOKE to you. (Rhema; revelation - the SPOKEN word.)
4. Your FIRST LOVE for God. (Dont lose the fire, give him your heart, your life, your all!)
-correct memory ignites great faith.
-your life enters the realm your memory takes you into. do NOT focus on the wrong things.
had a great time of praise and worship. heard a shocking news. which i have noticed too. during FOP many people were moving around especially during the preaching! no respect for God, no hunger, no spirituality, and no HEART OF WORSHIP at all. handphones were not silent too!
and MANY were there for the hype and excitement, for the BAND and not for God. come to think of it, i could feel the atmosphere weakening too. and the ALTAR CALL, it was a shocker!
120 churches COMBINED, for THREE NIGHTS, only 15x decisions. on sunday we had our anniversary service. 1 service, 1 church 18xx decisions for Christ.
where is the power? where is the anointing? what has happened!?! people could still go 7-11 go and buy snacks and have a great time during PREACHING! when i heard it i was pierced in my heart. with such a worldly acts and no true heart of worship, its no wonder God couldnt move.
well, here are the notes: XD
1. Worship is WAITING upon the Lord.
-worship is not just a youth thing, its a GOD thing!
-excitement is NOT anointing. GOd doesnt see your acts, but your HEART!
-to 'wait on the Lord' -> (Heb.) to ENTWINE YOURSELF around the presence of God.
2. Worship is UNDISTRACTED focus on God.
-dont worship style/music, dont even worship worship, worship God!
3. Worship is the EXTRAVAGANT ADORATION of God.
-if you REALLY love God, then you'll wanna love him with all your heart, soul and STRENGTH!
-Worship (Gk.) -> proskuneo -> to fall prostrate, lean forward and kiss (His feet). this is the deepest LEVEL of worship because you cant go any lower.
-dont just worship God when things go well, but at ALL TIMES, His praise shld CONTINUALLY be in your mouth.
-even when you dont get anything in return, itll still be worth it to worship the One who Created you and loved you truly, eternally, unconditionally.
im glad to be back in church. sorry to say, im not used to places that lacked the presence of God. there's literally no power at all...but still i wanna thank God for touching me on that night at FOP. :) one thing i cant stand is a negative environment, -ve thinking, -ve people, and a faithless environment. ^^
what pains me the most is people leaving or transfering church, ESPECIALLY in the midst where the church needs you the most! i HATE to see people giving the devil a foothold, i cant stand it. HONESTLY speaking from my heart, if you're not 100% for God, then DONT call yourself a christian. its sad to see 'christians' worshipping bands, style, music, even worshipping WORSHIP instead of God.
i HATE to see Satan winning! after all those good things that God has blessed them with and all thos encounters that GOd gave them, is this how they repay God? come to think of it, have they spared a thought for God. i feel hurt everytime when God's hurt. i just feel so helpless...seeing people go one by one.
like pastor said, we dont just want converts but we want TRUE DISCIPLES that will love God WHOLEHEARTEDLY and love people FERVENTLY. take up the cross DAILY and follow Him, and to lay down their lives as a living sacrifice unto the Lord. and to build a church with a STRONG spiritual atmosphere of faith and purity, where every member is released into MINISTRY, DISCIPLED in the great commandment to FULFILL the great commission.
dont just know God as your saviour, know Him as your LORD! the life you live is no longer yours, but His. or rather, its SUPPOSED to...T_T for some 'special cases'...
lets pray for a greater breakthrough in the realm of the Spirit and a breakthrough in the atmosphere and the presence of God ^^
sister vivien is leaving for LA with ps Sun. E354 will be joining us. :) together let's build a greater fellowship, a greater atmosphere and bring in a greater harvest for the glory of God! ;) we say that we want to be true worshippers, a new generation that will take Asia by storm and a new generation that will worship Him in spirit and in truth :)
Cel grp meeting
i was supposed to help setup for ccgm, (combined cg meeting) for ps audrey's zone, which i was in. in e end, i had to stay throughout the meeting. didnt really have e time to really go into worship and really grab God. i was sad in a way. but e message was good and many responded to once again grab hold of their first love for God once again.
so i decided to go for makeup on sat with e110. i told myself, i will NEVER because of ministry miss out on the presence of God, to miss out on worship and to miss out any prayer meeting or message. NEVER! my first calling is to the Lord! yea...
presence of God was strong. so many a times, we are not happy with our lives because we tend to forget the things we need to remember and remember the things we need to forget. i got ministered by evan towards e end. presence of God came sooo strong. i began to cry out to God, "i want more of you! though i may not have backslided in anyway, i still want more! im not satisfied!" there was such a great hunger that i felt.
i learnt that we must learn to remember:
1. How God has been GOOD to you. (dont forget God in e midst of ur success, prosperity. it was GOD who brought you to where you are!)
2. How God gave you VICTORIES. (If God has done it, He WILL do it again!)
3. The words God SPOKE to you. (Rhema; revelation - the SPOKEN word.)
4. Your FIRST LOVE for God. (Dont lose the fire, give him your heart, your life, your all!)
-correct memory ignites great faith.
-your life enters the realm your memory takes you into. do NOT focus on the wrong things.
had a great time of praise and worship. heard a shocking news. which i have noticed too. during FOP many people were moving around especially during the preaching! no respect for God, no hunger, no spirituality, and no HEART OF WORSHIP at all. handphones were not silent too!
and MANY were there for the hype and excitement, for the BAND and not for God. come to think of it, i could feel the atmosphere weakening too. and the ALTAR CALL, it was a shocker!
120 churches COMBINED, for THREE NIGHTS, only 15x decisions. on sunday we had our anniversary service. 1 service, 1 church 18xx decisions for Christ.
where is the power? where is the anointing? what has happened!?! people could still go 7-11 go and buy snacks and have a great time during PREACHING! when i heard it i was pierced in my heart. with such a worldly acts and no true heart of worship, its no wonder God couldnt move.
well, here are the notes: XD
1. Worship is WAITING upon the Lord.
-worship is not just a youth thing, its a GOD thing!
-excitement is NOT anointing. GOd doesnt see your acts, but your HEART!
-to 'wait on the Lord' -> (Heb.) to ENTWINE YOURSELF around the presence of God.
2. Worship is UNDISTRACTED focus on God.
-dont worship style/music, dont even worship worship, worship God!
3. Worship is the EXTRAVAGANT ADORATION of God.
-if you REALLY love God, then you'll wanna love him with all your heart, soul and STRENGTH!
-Worship (Gk.) -> proskuneo -> to fall prostrate, lean forward and kiss (His feet). this is the deepest LEVEL of worship because you cant go any lower.
-dont just worship God when things go well, but at ALL TIMES, His praise shld CONTINUALLY be in your mouth.
-even when you dont get anything in return, itll still be worth it to worship the One who Created you and loved you truly, eternally, unconditionally.
im glad to be back in church. sorry to say, im not used to places that lacked the presence of God. there's literally no power at all...but still i wanna thank God for touching me on that night at FOP. :) one thing i cant stand is a negative environment, -ve thinking, -ve people, and a faithless environment. ^^
what pains me the most is people leaving or transfering church, ESPECIALLY in the midst where the church needs you the most! i HATE to see people giving the devil a foothold, i cant stand it. HONESTLY speaking from my heart, if you're not 100% for God, then DONT call yourself a christian. its sad to see 'christians' worshipping bands, style, music, even worshipping WORSHIP instead of God.
i HATE to see Satan winning! after all those good things that God has blessed them with and all thos encounters that GOd gave them, is this how they repay God? come to think of it, have they spared a thought for God. i feel hurt everytime when God's hurt. i just feel so helpless...seeing people go one by one.
like pastor said, we dont just want converts but we want TRUE DISCIPLES that will love God WHOLEHEARTEDLY and love people FERVENTLY. take up the cross DAILY and follow Him, and to lay down their lives as a living sacrifice unto the Lord. and to build a church with a STRONG spiritual atmosphere of faith and purity, where every member is released into MINISTRY, DISCIPLED in the great commandment to FULFILL the great commission.
dont just know God as your saviour, know Him as your LORD! the life you live is no longer yours, but His. or rather, its SUPPOSED to...T_T for some 'special cases'...
lets pray for a greater breakthrough in the realm of the Spirit and a breakthrough in the atmosphere and the presence of God ^^
sister vivien is leaving for LA with ps Sun. E354 will be joining us. :) together let's build a greater fellowship, a greater atmosphere and bring in a greater harvest for the glory of God! ;) we say that we want to be true worshippers, a new generation that will take Asia by storm and a new generation that will worship Him in spirit and in truth :)
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