
Saturday, August 27, 2005

Ministry, Service 1

ministry was fun today. officially kicked off my FIRST BS class! yea! really wanan thank Desmond, despite being sick, he chose to sacrifice and to serve. i believe God sees your heart and your hunger for the things of God, and i believe God will heal you, bless u and to make u a blessing to e people around you :D

managed to listen to e sermon today. and thanks to Sean, i got e notes, so here they are:

7 things that hinder your destiny.

1. An UNTEACHABLE Spirit - Jas 1:19 - Be quick to listen, slow to speak; to be teachable.
-Always be willing to learn more, don be complacent or mediocre.

2. UNFULFILLED promises - Ecc 5:4-5, 1 cor 3:30
-One thing God cant stand is fools.
-If we are merely hearers and not doers of the Word, we deceive ourselves.

3. UNFORGIVENESS - Mk 11:22-25, Col 3:13
-Most of the time we hold many things about everybody! But we must not hold anything about anybody.
-compassion compels you to change your lifestyle.

4. Having UNWILLING associations - 1 cor 3:15
-we are to love everybody but we do not necessarily have to approve their lifestyle.
-stay with the right people. (positive, faith, same vision, same heart, etc...).
-Bad company corrupts good character.
-dont think u can bring ur bf up, (cus normally its e gal trying to bring e guy up), its easier for him to pull you down.
-Be SELECTIVE of your company; not choosy, but SELECTIVE.

5. An UNGIRDLED tongue - James 5
-The most powerful weapon is the tongue. it can either bring heaven to someone's life, or bring him closer to hell. in other words, it either bring life or death to someone.
-do not allow negative people to spoil the atmosphere, we ALL can contribute and CHANGE the atmosphere.

-stop complaining, but in everything, with prayer and supplication WITH THANKSGIVING, let your requests be made known to God.
-If u keep on complaining about something, eventually ull lose it.

6. UNDEVELOPED gifts - Mt 25:18
-Find your talent and develop it and USE it the RIGHT WAY for the RIGHT PURPOSES.
-dont hide your talents!
-God placed em in you for u to USE it to bless the world; besides, its not your talent but it's GOD'S talent.
-everyone has talents and abilities. even criminals have talents!

e.g. loan sharks have the talent of leadership, effective communicator, can handle money, and have all sorts of creative ideas to get what they want.
-in other words, criminals are just talented people, with no MORAL, using their talents for the wrong purposes.
-if uve hidden/lost your talents, SEARCH, DIG and USE it!

7. An UNDECISIVE heart - Jas 1:5-8
- a christian walk is a faith walk.
-a DOUBLE MINDED person will NEVER achieve anything.
-he is someone who doesnt want to make a decision

i heard tomoro ps is gonna pray for poly students! so excited. ill be going! hehe xD and ill be staying after S5 on sunday to go for S6, bcos ps ulf's messages are always building up on top of one another. ;)

and so happy, for the first time after a few months, Ive FINALLY EATEN THE CAFE's TERIYAKI CHICKEN!!!! YAY!!!!! LOL....*drools i miss it x) haha...

on second thought, i tink im gonna try to go ALL the services! ^^ yea....itll really stretch ur capacity, as for me, been dere, done dat lol....=x


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