
Thursday, May 19, 2005

Living a "BUT God..." Life

-!sh 51:13
-Dun forget God in times of trouble
-Theres no prob bigger then God, who created you.
-In the midst of troubled times, that's e best time God can move and show you His power to you and those who look down on you.
-People will look down on you in times of trouble, but they will LOOK, and once they look, God shows up in front of everyone and prove everyone wrong, bringing glory to God.

-Neh4:14, Ish 43
-Dun let ur conscience condemn you, put on the leash of faith!
-Devil is always trying to make you remember your sins, past and present. Bring along negative and self-condemming emotions like fear, etc.
-Philemon 6
-There are religious demons in church posing as God. (Except ours! amen! lol theres even NO ROOM for sickness :D praise God =) hehe...)
-Fear, anxiety, terror, anywhere, anytime -> This is NOT God. Even though you experience fear in church, its NOT God. e.g. false doctrines that seem so perfect. PS: Satan knows e Bible more than some believers :D
-Anxiety is the enemy of FAITH. CHOOSE to believe, choose God, choose faith!
-Faith is a fight; a fight to believe
-We CAN get out from our 'grave' (bad circumstances), e same resurrection power is within us.
-Dun be an unbelieving believer.

-To have power, we need the ATMOSPHERE of FAITH.
-Presence -> worship // Power -> faith
-Faith is like a conductor. e.g. water // Unbelief = insulator e.g. block of rubber
-When there is faith, power TRAVELS/FLOWS.
-2 cor 2:14, psm 92:4, col 1:27
-Our life should be victorious and glorious. Not jus in e future but NOW.
-God always seeks to interfere in or life, positively, to make things right. -> to have a "BUT God..." situation/encounter.
-Do NOT have negative 'BUTs' like fear, etc. e.g. "But if I dun do this and that, so and so will die..", etc.
-In every situation, should be a "BUT GOD, will make a way when there seems to be no way.", "BUT GOD, will make me the head and not e tail, above and not beneath.", "BUT GOD, says I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it", "BUT GOD, is Jehovah Raphe, my healer, BUT El Shaddai, the God of MORE than enough..." etc...
-"i may be facing the lowest point in my life, BUT GOD, will not let u be tempted beyond what you can bear.", "my frens may plot against me, BUT GOD says no weapon formed against you shall prosper".

-Psm 49:15, 73:26, 17:13, 1 Cor 10:13, Esther 5.
-God WILL turn every evil scheme on itself. Your enemy will hang on the same rope that was designed to hang you.
-FEAR NOT, God is with u in the fire!
-2 tim 4:16-17, gen 31:7, 23-24
-The enemy's plans WILL NOT succeed, bcos if God is FOR you, NO ONE can be against you.
-gen 50:20, 48:21, 1 sam 23:14
-God is not just a theory, but He's ALIVE!
-phi 2:27, acts 13:29
-Never forget the God-factor.


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