
Monday, May 16, 2005

Servants of the House

-Faithfulness starts with the little things.
-Care is NOT anxiety, do NOT fear!
-Negative things come w/o u growing/doing anything, its natural, this world is fallen.
-Positive things come when you take ACTION, take a step of FAITH.
-At high lvl leadership, one must know how to communicate.
-Whatever u submit urself to in the Spirit, will manifest itself in the physical.

-Authority comes from the one ure committed to.
-Authority flows through the command and obedience.
-When you speak what uve been commanded into ur life, the Holy SPirit moves.
-Power is in obedience
-God wants ur heart (true worship is not worship when God is 1st, worship is only worship when God ALONE is worshipped, God doesnt share His throne in ur life with a 2nd/3rd), but He's also left u ur brain...use it!
-Perilous times come not bcos e monkeys are getting extinct, not bcos of economic crisis, etc. But bcos man have choose to be lovers of themselves.
-Ppl have gone Off-Axis. Their centre of their life is no longer God, but on things that do not last, things/ppl/religion/philosophies that can nv give them what they want, what they're made for.

-Anyone who has his own authority will lose it.
-Elder is NOT old, its just someone with leadership, authority.
-Perilous times occur bcos of a CHARACTER fault.
-God inceases WHILE we decreases.
-Get in the move of God, be a part of it, associate/stay close with e people of God.
1) God
2) Leaders
3) Each other in the Body
4) People

-We are created by God, FOR God.
-2 Tim 3:1
-We are spiritual beings. Created in e image n likeness of God, and God IS spirit. Therefore we have to worship Him in SPIRIT and in truth.
-We are created to glorify God.
-Life WILL NOT work when it does not revolve round the Creator/Source.
-Servanthood is the heart of a leader.
-Mk 10:43-45

6 qualities of Servanthood

1) Willing
-a servant is impelled, not compelled
-a servant is agreeable, not disagreeable.
-There is power in agreement.
-A relationship has to be elevated above opinion.
-a willing heart will find a way.
-Dun be a servant from hell, whos unwilling
-If u wanna serve, uve got to learn to get along with others.

2) Executable, not excusable.
-excuse is not excuse at all.
-excuse = unwillingness
-true obedience comes with willingness.
-Dun give excuses, just obey.

3) Gen24 - Servanthood opens the door to your destiny
-10& of ur destiny is in u, e other 90% in with e people that God has placed to be in charge of u in your life.

4) Servanthood EXCELS
-What the Devil meant for evil, God can turn it around for good.
-Nth can overcome God's plans.

5) Servanthood is SWIFT
-obedience withour delay.
-99.99999999 obedience is NOT obedience at all.

6) Servanthood HONORS the people they serve.
-obedience and servanthood is WORK. -> ull nv reap w/o sowing; ull reap wad u sow.
-phi 2:20
-Servants serve with an unselfish, positive attitude



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