
Monday, May 16, 2005

Sons of the House

-Poverty is not e state of ur bank acc, its e state of ur mind -> many ppl get rich and yet bcos their spirit / character is not 'rich' they soon find themselves becoming poorer than they were before.
-Poverty is a mindset
-Mal 2 -> to honor God is to pay a TRIBUTE as a recognition of value you placed on Jesus.
-Giving comes AFTER the tithe
-Reason why many churches remain small / spiritually dry, no work of e Holy Spirit, no healings, deliverance, revival bcos they have 'robbed' God of His tithe.
-There is unity when the entire church brings a tithe to the Lord.
-Dun imagine God as a 'pie' or 'pizza', u jus take e slices and limit God, God is a RIVER, overflowing with abundance.

-Titus 1:5
-As long as everyone in the nation/city is not in the house of God, there are things lacking.
-Dun wait for God to move, we have to take ACTION!
-God moves WHEN we move.
-"We are to reach out to ALL the world, ALL the churches, to do ALL we can for the WHOLE world..." -> this creates self condemnation. The truth is ull keep on telling urself, "ive not done enough/ive nt done much" -> the Devil likes to make you think small, think ure no gd, tink uve not done enough, tink ure not worth it, etc...
-This is a wrong concept of missions. One person alone will nv accomplish this task. Each of us is given a SPECIFIC purpose, there are some ppl tt God doenst want u to reach. Every part of e body has a different role.
-This teaching arouses anxiety, fear, dissatisfaction. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of peace, power and a sound mind. The moment u fear/get anxious/have negative thoughts, no matter how perfect the situation seems, its from the Devil. - Even Satan believed in God can knows more bible verses than most christians!
-We are left in our 'Crete' for a reason. We should focus on e situation tt we're in now and accomplish God's purpose for us in tt situation, to put to order the things which are lacking.

-God doesnt want you to reach EVERYONE! He appoints who you should and shouldnt reach out to.
-Ure here where u are bcos ure meant to be here, dun look/move around, get PLANTED.
-Dun be "Pot-christians'' who carry their pot wherever they go.
Theyll nv go bcos their roots nv grow deep, get PLANTED in the House of God!
-Get baptized into ur leadership
-Do not copy other people's methods/goals/etc, God's purpose for someone else might be different from urs
-Anger/emotion resists revelation.
-We tend to justify/get moved by our emotion....DONT, emotions dun control us, we control them.
-Information wont change the world, REVELATION can.
-We can never bless the world when we're poor.
-Dun 'divorce' with God. -> God and His church/House go TOGETHER.

-Dun get what you want, get what God wants!
-phi 22:19
-God is looking for faithful/loyal people -> it might not necessarily be people u like. God simply chose them bcos they're willing and available.
-We are all to carry the 'DNA' / genetic code of the vision and purpose of our church.
-We are not here to get fixed, we are here to learn to fix OURSELVES up.
-In God's house there are sons, servants and soldiers.
-Sons are more rare and harder to get than servants/soldiers.
-Main reason why many ppl's dreams/decisions fall apart is simply bcos they choose for themselves.
-Make choices OF God, choices that benefit others at the expense of self.

1) Sons carry the 'genetic code' of the House.

-Christianity w/o context is irrelavant.
-Do what God ASKED you to do, WHERE He's asked u to do it. -> Everyone has a different purpose.

2) Sons have the VISION of the House

-virtue is innocence TESTED.

3) Sons share pride in the House

-character is not character until it is proven.
-nv criticise the church of the Living God.
-Sons love each other in the house.

4) Sons accept discipline in the House

-heb 12:5-13
-make straight paths with the help of discipline.
-a 'lame-leg' 'dislocates' you from the House.
-God disciplines those He love.


a) You WILL be rewarded
b) It wont go on forever
c) Unlocks the door to your next LEVEL
d) God WILL deliver you out of it



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