
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Why I go for service twice.

There are times when I serve, I get to catch 'most' of the sermons, cus Im on comms all the way and those on comm sets, whatever your ministry, you will know how its like. Distractions, annoyances and all.

People ask me, why do I go for a second service then?

Just put it this way.

Its not about whether I have caught the sermon while serving or not, its about whether have you fully devoted yourself to spend that 2hrs with God, undistracted, focused, or not.

How would you like if you went on a date, and all your date does is to talk on the phone and SMS? Not only is that disrespectful and downright rude, it simply shows he/she cant be bothered! And his/her heart is not in it.

Im sure God will understand, but is that how you move in a relationship?
Is that how deep your love can go? Is that how strong your commitment is?
Ps talked about loyalty a few weeks ago. Have we forgotten about it?
We heard it but we failed to do it?

How you treat people is how you treat God.

Do you get distracted all the time?

You can serve and yet neglect others, you cant walk and chew gum at the same time. As long as you are occupied, you simply cant be bothered with others. Its all about you, all about your ministry, all about what you want, etc.

You dont reply smses, you dont answer calls, you dont even bother to call back...even if its your own CGL. Why? Oh, because you are doing something. Like everyone else is doing nothing?

Stop giving excuses and start taking ownership and responsibility.

If we love a perfect person like that,
I feel sorry for all your other relationships.

I dont wanna sound as if Im imposing anything,
You have the power to decide the measure of your love.


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