
Sunday, May 13, 2007

Live webcast

ministry was fun today. did the live webcast lol. it was my first time and i must say, when i first laid my hands on the equipment. they were on the verge of shaking lol..a bit tense, a bit nervous. cus its LIVE! lol..and if u make one small error, millions of people around the world..will know! hahaha.

okay, its not just the fact tt its my first time tt made me nervous. basically, someone more senior was assigned to me to oversee this whole thing and to guide me. but 99% of the time. im doing all the stuffs. lol. 10-15min before the service, i met samuel (who was assigned with me to do live webcast.

when doing live webcast you CANNOT afford to doze off, or get distracted. its 2hrs+ of focus, not on one, but on TWO equipment..multitasking you would say. so, it was 10-15min before svc started and samuel met me inside the media room to 'brief' me.

he said A LOT, and i mean A LOT of things..and cramped his entire knowledge of these 2 equipment in that 10-15minutes. and since i wasnt a new crew, id prob be expected to be able to adapt and to absorb and apply as much as i could.

he said things like..before service, what to do.
when ps kong goes up, what to do.

what to do during:

praise, clapping, worship, sermon, prayer, altarcall, pre and post altar call, pre and post praise, pre and post worship, pre and post sermon so on and so forth..

but all in all it was a good experience even though i was a little tired. thank God for His strength. and sermon was great. the deeper we go, the more and more we will see if we are true disciples or not! below are just some pics..

oh btw, on the left is the video room and on the right is the chorus board room. o_O or is it e other way round? haha..cant rem. then behind outside is the chinese, jap and korean interpreter rooms.

This is the main board i used throughout the service. whatever you hear online today, and in the video sermon they will upload, is managed on this board. bottom left 3, is the left, right overall, followed by ps kong's mike, then the interpreter mike which i didnt touch. the blue switches are the stage ambience and the congregation ambience. the red one is the overall mains feed.

the red lights above the board are the left and right DB indicators.

and above the board is the preview and live cameras. haha this one very funny. its interesting what you see on the preview cam during sermon. people digging nose, people yawning, making weird funny faces and poses! hahahaha. next time, dont think just because ure not on the LED doesnt mean ure not live..somewhere else..hahahaha!!! DONT TRY TO DOZE OFF EITHER! haha. imagine some pastor comes in to check the media rooms and on the screen u have..u know..haha.

just because ure not on the LED doesnt mean all the other cameras are not taking scenes. throughout the service EVERY CAMERA is constantly rotating and constantly recording..haha. try to sneak out the service early? can see also..haha then next time we will inform the usher to put e person at e back next time..haha jkjk.

and please, dont talk, dont use the handphone. besides God, the sound crew, video crew, some lighting crew (who come into e media rooms once in awhile) and the chorus board crew can see

thats why when theres VIP and they have to record the guests when we greet them, the director's room have every camera on the multi-monitors in front of him to spot.

just another view..

see those yellow lights on the second equipment on e left? thats the volume meter to show how loud it is on the live webcast. of course we have headphones to listen to PLUS a separate external speaker located on top of the left equip. the left side is where my eyes focus on most of the see if ps kong is too loud or too soft, or the praise n worship, congregation, etc. seeing + hearing.

oh ya..u dun see any luminous yellow lights (except 1) becos service has ended..haha.

last but not least, the imac on top with the speaker at the right rear of that imac. i have to click record before the service starts to start capturing the service for the video that theyll put up later in e week. the config's have already been adjusted by the video crew.

notice the left screen..its the chc logo. this is after svc has ended. so what u see on e imac is what u see on ur mediaplayer live. and notice on the right..the cameras are still on after service! hahaha..'happy birthday to you' somemore :D jkjk..haha most of the time they're stationery for awhile before the TV crew keeps the cameras.

throughout the service im literally soloing..haha. samuel jus sat there to observe me..and tell me to change some features when failed to do it 'automatically' haha. also he was on the comms. there was once the TV person came over the sliding door on the left saying Ally's voice is too hollow..^.O so sam helped to comms the message over to 'house' and 'foldback'.

in case u wanna know, the center board in e middle of the hall is called the 'front-of-house' or FOH, then the one next to stage is called Foldback or FB. then right in front of the stage is the 'front field'.

oh yeah, emerge is 2weeks plus more! xD ^.^

oh, btw, my handphone battery cover is missing! ahh...O_O

so much assignment to do..grr..gotta chiong now..ciao.


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