
Sunday, February 12, 2006

Great service...

service was great. praise n worship was great too. the sermon was great. everything's great ^^ keke.. during PnW i was overwhelmed in tears with the glory of God. its been awhile since i last went right into the holy of holies. ;) i had encountered the God of the universe. =)

so here's the sermon notes:

luk 10:1-3, 5-7, 9
-we are sent as lambs among wolves -> when we have the lamb nature, the dove (HS) will come upon us.
-relational evangelism the Jesus way:
1) Bless the lost
2) Fellowship with the lost
3) Meet practical needs -> find a need and meet it, find a hurt and heal it
4) Share the gospel

-in e church world today, many have rearranged the order and did it the other way round! e.g. going round with plaque cards in orchard road, door to door, street 'evangelism', the 'repent or die' method, etc...

-people dont care how much you know until they know how much you care.
-evangelism is NOT selling a product!
-Jhn 4:35, 39-42 -> "Lift up your eyes..."

1) Lift up your eyes from your OWN NEEDS.

-the golden rule is : do unto others what you would want them to do to you.
-but God's rule (eph 6:8) says: do unto others what you want GOD to do for you. e.g. abraham waited decades to have a child, he'd been praying for barren women and they conceived, in due time, God returned the favor.
-meet someone's needs and God will meet your needs.

2) Lift up your eyes to GOD.

-its not about you, it's about God.

3) Lift up your eyes and look at people DIFFERENTLY.

-a 'soul' in original hebrew 'a person with great potential'. -> look at people they way God will view them, as HIS creation, as HIS masterpiece, created in His likeness and image, with His divine creativity, ability and productivity.
-luk 5:1-5

Lets take a look at Peter the fisherman, before he got saved. -> The unchurched are :
i) Uninterested in spiritual things.
ii) More interested/preoccupied with their own lives.

But Jesus:
i) Stepped into Peter's boat -> step from your own world and penetrate into the other person's world. get interested in his/her life. -> Jesus didnt bring Peter to church, He brought the church to Peter.
ii) Stayed for awhile -> dont just get interested in other ppl's lives, stay around and fellowship with them.

"Cast down your NETS!" -> But Peter had unbelief ("we toiled all night but caught nothing, yet at Your word i will lay down my NET" -> Notes: Jesus said NETS, Peter laid down ONE NET!" -> but because of obedience, he caught so much fish that the net was beginning to break...when he cast it into DEEP WATER! (not the shallow end!)

What is are your nets? -> your celgrp relationship network, ministry network, church network
-> its both horizontal AND vertical!

The deep sea have caves, hot springs, volcanoes, in fact, the longest mountain range is underwater! -> its a world within a world.

The DEEP SEA speaks of the world and above, the Kingdom of God. -> In the DEEP SEA its dark, its lonely, it has PRESSURE. And the deeper you go into the world, the more strange 'fish' you encounter.

1. Funkyfish/Pufferfish - strange ppl that look strange and behave strange

2. Lion Fish - beautiful + cute -> poison when touched

3. Viperfish - no pigment; u see through them ("trust me, im so transparent")-> when u least expect it, they pigment comes back and bite you.

4. Gulper eel - rotatable head (180 degrees); when u follow them -> turn aroundand bite you. -> can eat fish 5 times its size + when nothing to eat, eat theirown kind (backstabbers).

5. Giant grenadier fish - smellist fish; feed on dead things. ppl who feed on gossips and slanders. e moment they open their mouth, there is the 'odour' of gossips.

6. Tube worms + Vent crabs -> vent crabs, without pressure will die.-> workaholics; people who are caught up with the stress and busy-ness of the world.

7. Great white sharks -> champion stalkers. they ramp u under and knock u off before biting to pieces!

- let down ur cg nets!-> facts vs truth. -> The facts are: we have caught nothing, we are tired, etc..but the TRUTH IS: obedience is better than sacrifice!
- let Jesus be e captain of ur boat!
-The church is a boat.

ppl tink church is a :

1) love boat -> all lovey dovey, no commitment!

2) submarine - very deep. (theology that even God doesnt know about) -> once in awhile pop out -> analyse + criticise then go back down do their own things.
-> disinterested in the world around them.

3) floating hongkong restaurant.-> fat people who come and get fed all the time. -> never apply, never get discipled. dont die of spiritual cholesterol!

4) USS aircraft carrier -> blow up everything. blast demons everywhere.-> we dont like this and this, write petition/protest, blast it out when they dont like it.

5) speed boat - competition boat -> "oh you have 20,000 people? we'll have 20001!!!, oh u give 20million for your building fund? we'll give 21million!, etc..."

We are not a love boat, we are not a submarine, we are not a floating hongkong restaurant, nor an aircraft carrier or a speed boat, but WE ARE A FISHING BOAT! out there to win the lost and make a difference in the world! -> we are designed to win souls for the Kingdom of God, to populate Heaven and plunder hell!


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