
Sunday, April 03, 2005

Great Service

today's service was new praise song composed by the Creative Ministry in out church. YEA! so excited, few weeks frm now our church is gonna release our P&W ALBUM!!!!! wooohoo! and theres also gonna be a live! recording, but entry is by coupon only as there are lots of ppl...yup :) so excited....

today Ps talked about the Presence of God. -> Dun look for healing, look for the Healer. Dun look for life, look for the Life-Giver like Rev Benny Hinn said =)
God does not travel through methods or style, He travels through the heart.
If you want a God-result, you must do it God's way.
Never think you're better than God.

A good idea may come to pass, but a God-idea WILL come to pass.

The use the Sword of the Spirit (His Word) effectively, we have to:
1. HEAR the Word
2. READ the Word
3. STUDY the Word
4. MEMORIZE the Word
5. MEDITATE on the Word

God will exalt you before your enemies (the world), God does not show His power privately but publicly.

Praise is always loud, vocal, expressive
Praise quietly = oxymoron e.g. Chicken rice w/o chicken or ice-cream stew, etc.
Praise allows God to build His throne. -> It means to sit down, His presence remain with You.

7 ways of praising God:
1. Singing
2. Shouting
3. Clapping
4. Lifting of hands - determines lifting of hearts
5. Dancing - physical, bodily expression of great joy freely.
6. Leaping and twirling
7. Playing musical instruments

The level of greatness in your praise determines the level of greatness of God in your life!

Dun have a religious spirit.
Music and dance was created by God, FOR God.
Rejoice = 'Gul' in Hebrew which means to DANCE and SPIN AROUND under the influence of VIOLENT EMOTION.
Praise = 'Halal" -> Halelujah which means to celebrate

Never look down on people who are willing to praise God with all their heart, soul and MIGHT. Result: like Michal in 2 Samuel 6, she became 'barren'; which means to be unproductive, unfruitful till the day she died.

Helping out in JAMS Church (intellectually disabled) after service was great. And more than tt it was really an eye opener for me. It helps me to love people the way God would love them. :)

Waitin for exam results and a great testimony....:D


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